举报,请立即封了ID: diandian98, 版主们请回复!
2016-08-19 13:24:22
Also I want to know the typical response type, how long it'll take for someone to investigate and take action?
I reported a personal attack post and requested the management team to ban the responsible ID on his/her IP. And it's been more than an hour and nobody has responded or has taken any action so far, could someone take a look and take an immediate action?
I hope it's not because that the forum management is trying to aiding and abetting the attacker or wanted to condone or encourage such kind of behavior!
The same ID is keep attacking and so far still no action or response from anyone, I won't get into meaningless fight with that ID, while I do hope that someone would do something!
I hope it's not because that the forum management is trying to aiding and abetting the attacker or wanted to condone or encourage such kind of behavior!
The same ID is keep attacking and so far still no action or response from anyone, I won't get into meaningless fight with that ID, while I do hope that someone would do something!
A big applause to the management team, I'm happy to see that internet troll/cyber trolling isn't tolerated here.
大街上被狗咬了是不是反过来咬回去? 我想一般人不会。。。所以冷静下,该投诉投诉该开心还是去找开心,虚拟空间事情不要也不值得影响了心情
ps, 论坛没有24*7 人力资源随时值守和处理投诉,尽请谅解
ps, 论坛没有24*7 人力资源随时值守和处理投诉,尽请谅解
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