R本来就是被倒追来的, 所以爱不深也不奇怪了.
R爱是一个纯洁善良的好女孩假象, 突然发现C并不是.
many ppl keep focusing on the wrong point of this story, to prove what? They are naive, pure, lovely... without playing any tricks all through their lives. that's just pissed me off... Obviously, just sounds fake to me. It's impossible for a person to live a life only according to good-willing, ethnics...
Those ppl keep saying we have to learn to be defensive when meet the kind of girl like C. For me, it just means you are defensive anywhere, to anybody. And justify you behavior by saying it's protecting myself.It's the meaning of my post.
ZZJM, you really read clearly of what i'm writing? You just like to respond, extremely, to whatever against you.
但这个啥"PPL"是什么意思? 受上次8褂的影响,我一直读成"破破兰".........谁给点解下啊?
R爱是一个纯洁善良的好女孩假象, 突然发现C并不是.
R本来就是被倒追来的, 所以爱不深也不奇怪了.
R的确是被倒追的呀, 而且是被迎合着走到一起的. 他看到的C和真正的C根本不是一个人.
many ppl keep focusing on the wrong point of this story, to prove what? They are naive, pure, lovely... without playing any tricks all through their lives. that's just pissed me off... Obviously, just sounds fake to me. It's impossible for a person to live a life only according to good-willing, ethnics...
Those ppl keep saying we have to learn to be defensive when meet the kind of girl like C. For me, it just means you are defensive anywhere, to anybody. And justify you behavior by saying it's protecting myself.It's the meaning of my post.
ZZJM, you really read clearly of what i'm writing? You just like to respond, extremely, to whatever against you.
但这个啥"PPL"是什么意思? 受上次8褂的影响,我一直读成"破破兰".........谁给点解下啊?
R本来就是被倒追来的, 所以爱不深也不奇怪了.
R的确是被倒追的呀, 而且是被迎合着走到一起的. 他看到的C和真正的C根本不是一个人.
R爱是一个纯洁善良的好女孩假象, 突然发现C并不是.
FISHER, 该男生有很有出息的潜质,
但是老毛有成功的老毛和尚未成功的老毛哈. //绕死了.
不是啊, 钢材滚小爬问的如果该C男生将来无比成功, 是不且脖涑蒖这样的知识分子了.
我说不是啊, 骨子里的东西,
再成功, 象老毛那样, 也只是老毛. 不是R这样的人.
公主,老奴实在忍不住了, 你看这形势不妙呀.
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