回楼上的,我不觉得哎。我俩经过最初的磨合期,现在已经知道如何解决意见不合的问题了。我已经有2周没看书了。新工作很累人,我好久没business travel了,这又突然回到整天up in the air的日子, 感觉很不真实。。。推荐bravo的一个reality show, start-ups silicon valley. 很喜欢,record的show里总算又有点有营养的了;-) 希望能学到些东西。我30岁前也要有自己的business. my dream and my goal for a long long time. i know i will make it happen and be successful.
你好花心哈哈, 头像三天两头地变阿....
I wish I can go back and relive my 20s..... It's too late for me now, I can see my future in the Corporate world, somewhat senior management role and work in different parts of the world, along with my trailing spouse and children. Starting your own business is also my husband's dream. But i am not very hopeful, he is a visionary, not an executioner.......
Good luck!
我想问个问题,我挂牌认识一男,22岁,工作教养什么的都可以,只是年龄小了,我26了,我们date了两次,他表现都很好。这是我之前发的帖子,http://www.huaren.us/dispbbs.asp?boardid=303&Id=1328637 你说我什么时候问他结婚的话题啊?好像太早问不大好,可是他年龄这么小,不结婚的纪律太大了。
I think you should not put all your eggs into this one basket......Because very likely you two are not on the same page, (unless confirmed by him) he just started his dating life and you already want to settle down.
If i were you, I will still continue to seek potential "candidates" (since your goal is to get married)
And if the topic of "Exclusive dating" is brought up, you can start asking the question of " where do you see our relationship end up in 2 years" etc.
I think you should not put all your eggs into this one basket......Because very likely you two are not on the same page, (unless confirmed by him) he just started his dating life and you already want to settle down.
If i were you, I will still continue to seek potential "candidates" (since your goal is to get married)
And if the topic of "Exclusive dating" is brought up, you can start asking the question of " where do you see our relationship end up in 2 years" etc.
你好花心哈哈, 头像三天两头地变阿....
I wish I can go back and relive my 20s..... It's too late for me now, I can see my future in the Corporate world, somewhat senior management role and work in different parts of the world, along with my trailing spouse and children. Starting your own business is also my husband's dream. But i am not very hopeful, he is a visionary, not an executioner.......
Good luck!
是吧是吧。我头像会反应我当下花痴的对象。climb corporate ladder挺好。我本来也是那么想的,不过这2年改变心意了。一人一个喜好追求而已。男友也挺支持。走一步算一步吧。哎,最近又天天飞,感觉皮肤又要抗议了。今天听到下周一周都在LA office, 开心了好半天。不飞的日子实在是太美好了~~
还早着呢的事你急什么? 答应着再说贝.......他买好票订好宾馆了没? 就是订好了也可以退的......(我是说如果真的没work out 的话)
[此贴子已经被作者于2012/11/28 20:49:16编辑过]
How old are you? you two are on early stage of dating, not in bf/gf relationship yet.
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