以下是引用wantzhu在2/24/2013 3:50:00 PM的发言:
really? I read the main posts many times and did not see them, perhaps they are buried in the follow-up posts. The same for the career topic?
I remember your fiance moved to LA for his family; perhaps they did not tell him that LA people do not read, so he wanted to move away... ever thought of moving to Chicago -- LZ's favorite city is Chicago, which is also very good for your fiance's career (not as ideal as NYC, but decent enough).
哈哈 mm连这些细节都记得呢。不过我男人是在洛杉矶长大的拉。不是这几年才在这定居的。只是他更喜欢纽约的氛围。芝加哥我是喜欢,但要我住那,是不可能滴,太冷啦,我男人也不会答应住那。我还是更倾向洛杉矶,喜欢自己开车的感觉,而且气候也好。纽约唯一让我向往的就是法拉盛的吃。一想到站在街上就能吃到羊肉串我就口水。。。really? I read the main posts many times and did not see them, perhaps they are buried in the follow-up posts. The same for the career topic?
I remember your fiance moved to LA for his family; perhaps they did not tell him that LA people do not read, so he wanted to move away... ever thought of moving to Chicago -- LZ's favorite city is Chicago, which is also very good for your fiance's career (not as ideal as NYC, but decent enough).
以下是引用wantzhu在2/24/2013 4:13:00 PM的发言:
Just skimmed through the main posts, still did not find the answers... Go through the 203 pages to find a needle in a haystack...
Reasons for relocation are big... plus, LZ mm's everything is worth remembering :)
那2点我在回帖里很多次都有提过,当然有些时候提的比较隐吧。有钱人找女友那部分我在第二页的后来一次更新里有提。至于第一个问题,建议看看why men love bit!ches. 作者有专门写发短信打电话的问题。Just skimmed through the main posts, still did not find the answers... Go through the 203 pages to find a needle in a haystack...
Reasons for relocation are big... plus, LZ mm's everything is worth remembering :)
在看live了,希望大帅哥bradley cooper拿到best actor~~~~~
恭喜恭喜, 有机会纽约一起出去逛街
[此贴子已经被作者于2013/2/26 1:21:53编辑过]
刚在隔壁回了贴,再来自己贴里再问问。大家最近有看到啥好书么?求推荐。最近有点闹书荒。之前某个mm推荐的tolle的书很喜欢。前几天刚看完jobs的自传。。这几天又没书看了。。。那个data, blabla书看了点sample, 很喜欢。。作者写的很有意思,偶尔不用动脑子的去看书,爽哉。
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