刚刚一位自称多伦多 Tan and Tall、hot & shaved 的 BBW 邀请我出去玩,给了时间和地点 以及电话号码,没发给我照片,很好奇 她是啥样的?见一面再说吧
Busty Boombeach Witch?Big Bloated Witch?Big Better Wetter(更好的大湿婆)?
get off your ass and meet me?
谨慎Discreet 和 离散Discrete 是同音字。它们听起来一样,但定义不同。谨慎是指小心谨慎或有意不引人注目。离散的意思是截然不同或互不关联。
"谨慎 "有更广为人知的含义:不显眼、得体、私密或不引人注意。另一方面,"离散 "意味着独立,可以直接用 "独立 "一词代替。
昨天有人问我:How‘s your weekend going?
It means, it’s a weekend now, and the person is asking how you are doing during the weekend.
You may reply with “it’s going well” or you can describe what you’ve been doing during the weekend.
今天我问人:What was your weekend like?
You would say "How’s your weekend going?" during the weekend.
You would say "What was your weekend like?" when the weekend was over.
成语 however you please (随心所欲地) = as it pleases you
get your head around?
聊了半天 才搞清楚 Oral 与 verbal 的异同,她告诉我 上班时不要用 oral 这个词。
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