以下是引用robinsnow在2004-8-16 11:20:38的发言:
if both of you are entry level
why not keeping finding jobs around each other?
i don't think you have much to lose
especially the most thing people worry is the green card app...
but you don't have such a problem yet...
if both of you are entry level
why not keeping finding jobs around each other?
i don't think you have much to lose
especially the most thing people worry is the green card app...
but you don't have such a problem yet...
Just because we are both entry level, it's hard to find an employer will to sponsor. Once get an offer, we dare not to decline it.
记得以前我们说一件事难熬, 就开玩笑说象熬猪油一样. 所以MM别难过, 慢慢熬猪油, 总有一天熬成的.
很理解mm的心情. 我也和gg刚刚分居两地, 现在特别不适应. 真的好怀念两个人在一起的日子.
我们都坚强些, 一切都会好起来的吧.
我们都坚强些, 一切都会好起来的吧.
[此贴子已经被作者于2004-8-17 18:15:49编辑过]
以下是引用hidenowhere在2004-8-16 14:18:15的发言:
以下是引用robinsnow在2004-8-16 11:20:38的发言:
if both of you are entry level
why not keeping finding jobs around each other?
i don't think you have much to lose
especially the most thing people worry is the green card app...
but you don't have such a problem yet...
Just because we are both entry level, it's hard to find an employer will to sponsor. Once get an offer, we dare not to decline it.
在这个时候,两人都找到工作,又都sponsor H1,MM应该觉得高兴呀。
在这个时候,两人都找到工作,又都sponsor H1,MM应该觉得高兴呀。
[此贴子已经被作者于2004-8-16 23:51:51编辑过]
to lily168,
the regular one will take 2 or 3 month, express will take 2 weeks. But once you file, you already count a quota regardless if you file it as regualr or express.
the regular one will take 2 or 3 month, express will take 2 weeks. But once you file, you already count a quota regardless if you file it as regualr or express.
以下是引用hidenowhere在2004-8-17 9:15:09的发言:
to lily168,
the regular one will take 2 or 3 month, express will take 2 weeks. But once you file, you already count a quota regardless if you file it as regualr or express.
to lily168,
the regular one will take 2 or 3 month, express will take 2 weeks. But once you file, you already count a quota regardless if you file it as regualr or express.
mm don't need to work right now?
I'm now in opt.
以下是引用hidenowhere在2004-8-17 10:38:27的发言:
I'm now in opt.
I'm now in opt.
我和GG也是相隔很远,平时放学就自己开车出去转转,SHOPPING 感觉挺不错的。我GG工作后给我买了一个新车,很爽。没事的时候就打打电话(用摄像头聊天)。分散自己的注意力,让自己过得快乐最重要。女人要善待自己。
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