今天心痒痒了一天,晚上没忍住跑去超市买吃的。我都不记得我上次买乐事薯片是猴年马月了。。。估计得3年以上了。今晚买了一个大包的。。。然后看到之前华人上推荐的butter shortbread打折,拿起来一看,一块就是110卡,念在没吃过的份上,加上觉得自己够瘦了有资本吃,买了一包。。回家后就迫不及待的吃了2块,很一般啊。。。比国内的曲奇差远了!一点不好吃。。华人上推荐的吃的,跟风基本没成功过。
通常crave sweet都是生活作息不好,不按时吃饭,protein吃少了才会这样。薯片我10岁开始就没吃了,不碰任何油炸的。
he said: i love you last night by txt for the first time after we had a bitter big fight for 2 days and 2nights. said he has cried a few times for me. but we are not in a relationship! We have known each other for 6 months. I said i love you to him early on before i read any dating books or this thread. i made a technique mistake. but i really do felt for him. then pulled back. been kept my distance since. we maintained as friends and he never said these three letters back to me only until last night after our fierce fight.
what should I do?...
he is a lawyer two years younger than me. In this past six months, we had fights, I cried and felt heartache too. I feel strong connection and attraction to him but at the same time we found he and I are not compatible in many different ways. dilemma. sigh!
[此贴子已经被作者于2013/8/21 15:00:39编辑过]
楼上的,你的问题我不太好下定论。但按你说的,im not fond of him..
如果真是和那个女生没什么,他就算为了你,也应该keep distance. 也别说人家死缠烂打,没有这回事,如果男方不给“信号”,不纵容这种行为,女的很少会有如此厚脸皮的。
按我说的,下次要是再看到那个女的电话过来,你就淡淡的跟他说,why dont u answer it? what bothers u? i dont mind. maybe she needs ur immediate help. You are not a cold hearted man, are you? 至于要不要“质问”他关于这女的事,我建议是现在先放放。你如果质问的话,你立马就处在下风的地位了。这男的会觉得你很在乎他,已经在吃醋了。不要让他觉得他已经吃定你了,否则你更难扳回一局
最后,我再跟你提醒一句,也跟所有看帖的姑娘提醒一句,谁以后要是再让我分析男人,里面谈到的都是些他说了什么什么甜蜜的话之类的东西,我直接ignore. 我都说了10000遍了,尼玛甜蜜的话谁都会说,没实际行动back up his words的话,说的再跟个蜜糖样也是白搭。脑子都锈掉了吗?!为几句我爱你,我想你blabla一类的没屁实际效果的话感动?!
he said: i love you last night by txt for the first time after we had a bitter big fight for 2 days and 2nights. said he has cried a few times for me. but we are not in a relationship! We have known each other for 6 months. I said i love you to him early on before i read any dating books or this thread. i made a technique mistake. but i really do felt for him. then pulled back. been kept my distance since. we maintained as friends and he never said these three letters back to me only until last night after our fierce fight.
what should I do?...
he is a lawyer two years younger than me. In this past six months, we had fights, I cried and felt heartache too. I feel strong connection and attraction to him but at the same time we found he and I are not compatible in many different ways. dilemma. sigh!
and u bought it? wow
how pretty is this boy? im surprised you only spoke of his job. I thought u would tell us how handsome he is as you kept saying you are all about physical attraction. maybe your more pragmatic than you claim.
我也不吃油炸的东西,像薯条,薯片,炸春卷都基本不吃。 对了,最近嘴边上总长痘痘,起起伏伏的,咋整。 下巴上痘痕都满了呃i。是内分泌么,我吃睡什么都正常滴呀。
通常crave sweet都是生活作息不好,不按时吃饭,protein吃少了才会这样。薯片我10岁开始就没吃了,不碰任何油炸的。
我买薯片尽量买baked,比较不油腻, 也没有那么咸。 偶尔吃没啥关系啦, 吃的心情好就值得。 后父子是啥超市?
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