one more!!! Huaren has some big bug to fix....
WELL, fixing it is the only thing I can return to this poster from which I learn a lot!
以下是引用xiaobaozi529在8/26/2013 4:17:00 PM的发言:
I remembered that when I visited my ex as friend (we were just friends at that moment) he said he had a meeting with a friend afternoon and let me do sth by myself. After he got back, I asked him, did you date that girl? He said no, jut a normal meeting. Then a few days later, he invited that girl to come to his house for a dinner ... I cooked the dinner. So how about just asking straightforward?补问个问题啊。
其实就是前天晚上,我好朋友过生日,我们三个女生就一起吃饭。他发短信说,我和我朋友在xxx喝酒,we should link up if you or your friends want. 我和朋友正好吃完了也要去酒吧的,就去了。气氛相当非常之好。
以下是引用Happyapple123在8/26/2013 4:40:00 PM的发言:
I remembered that when I visited my ex as friend (we were just friends at that moment) he said he had a meeting with a friend afternoon and let me do sth by myself. After he got back, I asked him, did you date that girl? He said no, jut a normal meeting. Then a few days later, he invited that girl to come to his house for a dinner ... I cooked the dinner. So how about just asking straightforward?
如果真的是影帝就算直接问他也会扯谎瞒过去吧。。。I remembered that when I visited my ex as friend (we were just friends at that moment) he said he had a meeting with a friend afternoon and let me do sth by myself. After he got back, I asked him, did you date that girl? He said no, jut a normal meeting. Then a few days later, he invited that girl to come to his house for a dinner ... I cooked the dinner. So how about just asking straightforward?
楼上的怎么会在这种情况下煮饭给人吃?还有什么叫normal meeting?
以下是引用咪咪噢在8/26/2013 4:57:00 PM的发言:
楼上的怎么会在这种情况下煮饭给人吃?还有什么叫normal meeting?
I was in USA for a travel since I had a B-visa which would get expired. He paid all food when we dining I cooked some food for him when we didn't go outside for food. We were just friends and I was his guest. Then after I asked him that question, he asked me to cook a dinner and invited that girl to come for the dinner... I don't know what is called normal meeting. Actually he said its just a meeting. 楼上的怎么会在这种情况下煮饭给人吃?还有什么叫normal meeting?
[此贴子已经被作者于2013/8/26 17:05:23编辑过]
Cute Wheat, I sent an email to my ex mom yesterday for her 60 years old birthday. She invited me to visit them again... and said you should come and we could hang out for fun together like go shopping or get a manicure.. should I go? I don't know.... You are right, I could not settle down for an average man... I am still looking for sth else...
以下是引用Happyapple123在8/26/2013 5:04:00 PM的发言:
I was in USA for a travel since I had a B-visa which would get expired. He paid all food when we dining I cooked some food for him when we didn't go outside for food. We were just friends and I was his guest. Then after I asked him that question, he asked me to cook a dinner and invited that girl to come for the dinner... I don't know what is called normal meeting. Actually he said its just a meeting.
你意思是问我,以后再遇到这种事该如何处理吗?如果你和那人只是朋友关系,没在约会的话,他说什么就是什么,你听着就行了,没资格多问太多。“不在其位不谋其政”。如果是你男友的话,你可以多问几句,但是要注意语气,不要太咄咄逼人。就直接问好了,那女的是谁,what kind of meeting. 如果真没什么的话,你男人回答的一定很镇定自若。如果是扯谎,就算再装着很镇定,也多少有点破绽。至于怎么破,这要看你对这个男人有多了解了。每个人在说谎的时候的表现都不一样,要么是有些小动作,要么是眼神变化不定,要么是语气的变化,等等。和亲密的人在一起,也要学着察言观色。以后总会用的着I was in USA for a travel since I had a B-visa which would get expired. He paid all food when we dining I cooked some food for him when we didn't go outside for food. We were just friends and I was his guest. Then after I asked him that question, he asked me to cook a dinner and invited that girl to come for the dinner... I don't know what is called normal meeting. Actually he said its just a meeting.
[此贴子已经被作者于2013/8/26 17:05:23编辑过]
Fixing it helps add meili value!
One fix the last page!
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