這種我最不愛吃了,健康是健康,但是脾胃不好消化,好難嚼,口感粗糙,Tj也有wheat sprout bread,不過粗糧麵包都那樣~適合自己的才是健康的
還有bananagirl, 一天50個香蕉,那些人是follow 80/10/10 diet, 80 percents carbs from 水果 10蛋白質,10fat,吃起水果論斤算,一大盆一大盆的。我覺得這些都是看個人,中國人體質不同,我就不能像這些人一樣一次吃幾十個香蕉當正餐= =
小卤蛋 发表于 4/6/2014 7:40:41 PM [url=][/url]我知道肥,但还是禁不住的要买,幸好去大华次数不多!还是微博上看的,说大华买的面包忘记在后背车厢里了,半个月后才发现,放了那么久的面包看着还是很新鲜。。。这是放了多少防腐剂啊。。太可怕了。。。acardia大华旁边的那个面包房,好像很不错的样子,他家的广告宣传说的貌似很好,但我只买过一次。
小卤蛋 发表于 4/6/2014 7:40:41 PM [url=][/url]我知道肥,但还是禁不住的要买,幸好去大华次数不多!还是微博上看的,说大华买的面包忘记在后背车厢里了,半个月后才发现,放了那么久的面包看着还是很新鲜。。。这是放了多少防腐剂啊。。太可怕了。。。acardia大华旁边的那个面包房,好像很不错的样子,他家的广告宣传说的貌似很好,但我只买过一次。
谢!我觉得每样都可以吃点,热量高的脂肪多的可以只吃一两口,不要完全克制。最近继续看sherryc 推荐的 happiness hypothesis. 有一节讲到食物带来美好感觉,还比较美国和法国典型的吃的态度,虽然有过于笼统偏见。给你打一段:
Pleasures should be both savored and varied. The French know ow to do this: They eat many fatty foods, yet they end up thinner and healthier than Americans and they derive a great deal more pleasure from their food by eating slowly and paying more attention to the food as they eat. Because they savor, they ultimately eat less. American, in contrast, shovel enormous servings of high-fat and high-carbohydrate food into their mouths while doing other things. The French also vary their pleasure by serving many small courses; Americans are seduced by restaurants that serve large portions. Variety is the piece of life because it si the natural enemy of adaption. Super-sizing portions, on the other hand, maximizes adaptation.
Pleasures should be both savored and varied. The French know ow to do this: They eat many fatty foods, yet they end up thinner and healthier than Americans and they derive a great deal more pleasure from their food by eating slowly and paying more attention to the food as they eat. Because they savor, they ultimately eat less. American, in contrast, shovel enormous servings of high-fat and high-carbohydrate food into their mouths while doing other things. The French also vary their pleasure by serving many small courses; Americans are seduced by restaurants that serve large portions. Variety is the piece of life because it si the natural enemy of adaption. Super-sizing portions, on the other hand, maximizes adaptation.
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