以下是引用cute-wheat在7/13/2012 4:25:00 PM的发言:
3的全是些关于饭店的事。昨晚写着写着想起很多往事,有关于现任的也有关于ex们的,突然变得很难过伤感,于是才决定删了。你的问题,我一回会在更新里都提到。至于你说的认识人,很多都是工作中,朋友再朋友的朋友,就这样慢慢积累起来了。再加上我本来就外向,在不熟悉的场合和别人聊天对我来说不是难说,也不会觉得磨不开面子。随便说一个昨天下午的段子。和男友在家捣鼓吃的,我又扯到约会上,跟他讲了一个我刚听来的好女孩的很让人唏嘘的事。他说why do so many nice girls get f ucked these days? 我回,are you saying i got f ucked?? 他看着我很认真的说,baby, your my angel. but lets be honest - your not a nice person.... 我$$%E#^%R&^..........
3的全是些关于饭店的事。昨晚写着写着想起很多往事,有关于现任的也有关于ex们的,突然变得很难过伤感,于是才决定删了。你的问题,我一回会在更新里都提到。至于你说的认识人,很多都是工作中,朋友再朋友的朋友,就这样慢慢积累起来了。再加上我本来就外向,在不熟悉的场合和别人聊天对我来说不是难说,也不会觉得磨不开面子。随便说一个昨天下午的段子。和男友在家捣鼓吃的,我又扯到约会上,跟他讲了一个我刚听来的好女孩的很让人唏嘘的事。他说why do so many nice girls get f ucked these days? 我回,are you saying i got f ucked?? 他看着我很认真的说,baby, your my angel. but lets be honest - your not a nice person.... 我$$%E#^%R&^..........
What he was talking about? 虽然你说话有时是“狠”了点,不过我还真没见过比你更热情和愿意帮助别人的人。有时看着你百问不厌的帮帮这个再帮帮那个,真心觉得你就是小天使,就是胳膊短了点儿,不过咱有翅膀,对不?
以下是引用happydongxi在7/15/2012 7:49:00 PM的发言:
嗯,皱纹还少点What he was talking about? 虽然你说话有时是“狠”了点,不过我还真没见过比你更热情和愿意帮助别人的人。有时看着你百问不厌的帮帮这个再帮帮那个,真心觉得你就是小天使,就是胳膊短了点儿,不过咱有翅膀,对不?
以下是引用 cute-wheat 的发言:
不是,我的专业出来直接就是咨询业。我的确part time读了个专业,不过是和我的工作无关。我在预谋职业转型。。也不清楚以后到底会做什么。如果跟这个bf一直下去,我想我会朝他靠........
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以下是引用 cute-wheat 的发言:
不是,我的专业出来直接就是咨询业。我的确part time读了个专业,不过是和我的工作无关。我在预谋职业转型。。也不清楚以后到底会做什么。如果跟这个bf一直下去,我想我会朝他靠........
★ Sent from iPhone App: i-Reader Huaren Lite 7.56
以下是引用cute-wheat在7/15/2012 8:10:00 PM的发言:
俺家男银不支持啊。。说我crazy... 算了,我等生完孩子再考虑这事吧 嘻嘻
以下是引用alice240638在7/15/2012 8:46:00 PM的发言:
well devoting my first post ever to this thread.
Wheat: No boob jobs until after having kids. Besides I heard the fake ones feel really hard. Truth: Most guys are butt guys, especially the older ones. Boob guys are generally those that haven't been laid a lot. As long as the boobs are perky it's all good. I'm barely a B and I don't feel any less good about myself.
[此贴子已经被作者于2012/7/16 0:13:58编辑过]
以下是引用sexyandiknowit在7/16/2012 12:09:00 AM的发言:
well devoting my first post ever to this thread. Wheat: No boob until after having kids. Besides I heard the fake ones feel really hard. Truth: Most guys are butt guys, especially the older ones. Boob guys are generally those that haven't been laid a lot. As long as the boobs are perky it's all good. I'm barely a B and I don't feel any less good about myself.
well devoting my first post ever to this thread. Wheat: No boob until after having kids. Besides I heard the fake ones feel really hard. Truth: Most guys are butt guys, especially the older ones. Boob guys are generally those that haven't been laid a lot. As long as the boobs are perky it's all good. I'm barely a B and I don't feel any less good about myself.
[此贴子已经被作者于2012/7/16 0:13:58编辑过]
it's kinda sarcastic to compare ur username w/ ur 1st post to this thread
You know what they say...those who don't have the swag in real life (such as me), try to flaunt it online ;)
Oopsy I don't know how to quote a comment yet, but this is in response to the post right above...Lol I'm a newbee.
Oopsy I don't know how to quote a comment yet, but this is in response to the post right above...Lol I'm a newbee.
[此贴子已经被作者于2012/7/16 0:28:46编辑过]
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