You expect people to know (or remember if they saw it) what you said 16 years ago?
The way you think about things doesn't support your credit.
You expect people to know (or remember if they saw it) what you said 16 years ago?
The way you think about things doesn't support your credit.
thatisnotright 发表于 2023-06-27 11:31
It’s not my expectation. It’s just my warning to you, if you act the other way.
All the fun comes from proving other people are wrong and inferior.
Housing, school ratings, kids activities, assets, wealth, you imagine.
It is all because of value system.
华人看到的都是和自己差不多的,一位社会上的人都是这样。很多美国中产,paycheck to paycheck,生活有一点风吹草动就要破产了。我朋友家的租客,经常几十块钱的垃圾处理费都要拖延交罚款。很多买了房子的人也是一样,虽然不敢卖,但是很可能哪天交不起贷款。而且高价买房造成的风险巨大,只要房价不涨就没法卖房子,只能破产。疫情期间我认识的人就拖延tax,hoa,水电费要被county没收房子了,好在她房子买的比较早,加上疫情涨价,顺利的卖掉填了窟窿。现在这种情况,虽然之前利息低但是房价高,也是处于极限状态的。而现在房价利息双高,真是谁买谁后悔。
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