明年打算卖一个投资房。一直以100% 出租报税,没法享受自住房25万的免税额。
扣去agent fee和各种费用,预计最后净赚大概有30万左右。这样要交多少税呢?有什么办法可以避税?1031 exchange 不打算搞,太麻烦了,明年不想买房子。
Mythology 发表于 2023-12-30 10:05
这有long term vs short term 的区别
leilei 发表于 2023-12-30 15:32
momosun 发表于 2023-12-30 20:13
还有加州州税不分short和long term,全部按照short交
股票你可以每年一点一点的处理掉,或者压根不处理直接留给子女。还可以在低点做loss harvest ,攒很多capital loss。比房产灵活。
对州政府还要剥一层皮的加州人民来讲,处理出租房基本只有遗产一条路,或者让子女入住。加上depreciation 那些你原先没交的税这时候也要补上,还有卖房的时候的agent fee, 和长期出租后上市前必要的维修费用,所以出租房不能只看当前市值,很多钱其实拿不到手,最后能拿到升值的60%差不多了。
superanna 发表于 2023-12-30 22:04
The two-out-of-five-year rule states that an owner must have owned the property that is being sold for at least two years (24 months) in the five years prior to the sale. The owner must have also used the home as their primary residence for at least 730 days, which is 24 months or two years, in the five years right before the closing date of the home's sale. In both instances, the two years don't have to be consecutive.
把gain投入opportunity zone。先延税,若干年后,免税。
1031 Exchange可以换成international properties么?有没有人知道? 可以的话 去买个欧洲vacation apartment?
superanna 发表于 2023-12-30 22:04
另外为啥你可以把出租房当成primary residence? 你现在的房子怎么办?我听说的只有让子女住进去然后互相把地址换一下
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