Nurture 发表于 2021-10-16 20:46
" Human subjects who participated in mRNA trial before 2018, no one is alive now. 100% had ADE.", 参议员听证会的证词
这是100%真实的信息, 2018年之前 mRNA 试验中没有人今天还活着, 这是在参议院听证会上说的, all humans and animals died of ADE.
I will try to recover that video for everyone if its still on the social media, we have been discussed this a while back. 许多顶级医生已经和我们确认了研究结果
Breakthrough case is actually ADE.
大家不要恐慌, 大多数人不会有副作用
According to Pfizer official document, at least 50% of vaccinated people received placebo (saline), only 5-15% are assigned to high dose group, which is 30ug
inna 发表于 2021-10-16 21:02
看了这么耸人听闻的新闻,我去做了功课。目前为止除了新冠,mRNA疫苗的trial主要用于癌症和传染病。癌症不存在ADE, 那么咱们就来看看传染病的trial.
这个Nature review in drug discovery的综述是今年不久前出的,有个表列了所有传染病mRNA 疫苗的trial.
NCT03382405: 针对CMV, Moderna今年刚刚公布了结果,效果良好,将要进入phase III trial, 如果参加phase I和II人都死绝了,他们再牛也开不了phase iii.
NCT03014089: 针对zika, 在非zika疫区进行,90个健康参加者。90个人在非zika疫区感染上zika, 全部死光的可能性有,但是几率多大,大家自己想。
NCT03345043和NCT03076385:156+201健康参加者。这两个是流感influenza A的疫苗。只找到2019年一篇文章说安全性和引起免疫反应效果好的文章,不知道最后结果怎么样。
Big bless
想起一个同事癌症 本来找到靶向药好很多
打完疫苗 没过多久病情急转直下 走了
dayeve 发表于 2021-10-16 16:52
想起身边一个例子 80岁 没打疫苗 几年前癌症晚期已经治好了 但是这次被covid带走了 因为免疫系统被之前癌症的药给弄乱了 这次得了covid就出现了把好的坏的细胞一起杀死的悲剧
Nurture 发表于 2021-10-16 20:46
我看到的是动物都死了 议员拿着张纸念的 人的我没看到 也许是别的地方提过 我只说我看到的 当时有医生作证的 德州的 你去找找看能不能找到 可恨的是媒体根本不报 所以绝大部分很多人不知道 我只能说 看到大科技公司如此不遗余力的删帖删视频删账号 真的非常震惊 如果不是我亲眼看到几分钟前还在的视频 过几分钟就没了 完全不敢相信这是在美国
" Human subjects who participated in mRNA trial before 2018, no one is alive now. 100% had ADE.", 参议员听证会的证词
这是100%真实的信息, 2018年之前 mRNA 试验中没有人今天还活着, 这是在参议院听证会上说的, all humans and animals died of ADE.
I will try to recover that video for everyone if its still on the social media, we have been discussed this a while back. 许多顶级医生已经和我们确认了研究结果
Breakthrough case is actually ADE.
大家不要恐慌, 大多数人不会有副作用
According to Pfizer official document, at least 50% of vaccinated people received placebo (saline), only 5-15% are assigned to high dose group, which is 30ug
inna 发表于 2021-10-16 21:02
感谢这个我倒是之前没看到 谢谢分享!
whooooever 发表于 2021-10-16 20:57
" Human subjects who participated in mRNA trial before 2018, no one is alive now. 100% had ADE.", 参议员听证会的证词
这是100%真实的信息, 2018年之前 mRNA 试验中没有人今天还活着, 这是在参议院听证会上说的, all humans and animals died of ADE.
I will try to recover that video for everyone if its still on the social media, we have been discussed this a while back. 许多顶级医生已经和我们确认了研究结果
Breakthrough case is actually ADE.
大家不要恐慌, 大多数人不会有副作用
According to Pfizer official document, at least 50% of vaccinated people received placebo (saline), only 5-15% are assigned to high dose group, which is 30ug
inna 发表于 2021-10-16 21:02
You don''t know what you''re talking about, officially.
President Biden, former president trump, all governors of 50 states, over 96% of physicians, almost all senators-(except 3 republican senators as of April 2021) have been vaccinated. Covid-19 vaccine is safe and effective, and it saves lives. if you choose to continue to spread rumors, at least throw a link to back it up. If you''re really interested in studying the safety and efficacy data of all these covid-19 vaccines, you''ll find full coverage of FDA advisory committee meeting on youtube, days of discussion and presentation of safety/efficacy data from well designed clinical trials.
我看到的是动物都死了 议员拿着张纸念的 人的我没看到 也许是别的地方提过 我只说我看到的 当时有医生作证的 德州的 你去找找看能不能找到 可恨的是媒体根本不报 所以绝大部分很多人不知道 我只能说 看到大科技公司如此不遗余力的删帖删视频删账号 真的非常震惊 如果不是我亲眼看到几分钟前还在的视频 过几分钟就没了 完全不敢相信这是在美国
你我对面不相识 发表于 2021-10-16 21:23
对于美国的所谓民主,我早有question。 因为,我们看到的,都是媒体或者政府希望我们看到的。
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