If you haven't figured out yet, "you" in my sentence mean you. lol
suneo 发表于 2022-09-09 01:09
可我的句子里面的你就是指的你呀 哈哈
笛声特是不是好英语 我不作评价 但你的三脚猫英语只有脸无穷大的人才好意思来中文论坛现呀
Wanfeiche 发表于 2022-09-09 01:12
Said by you who dont even know how to understand a simple English word in its context. Lol
可我的句子里面的你就是指的你呀 哈哈
Wanfeiche 发表于 2022-09-09 01:13
Glad you finally figured out. Still slow but a bit better than yourself a few hours ago. This level of improvment is a small step for people with average IQ, but for you, it is huge! Lol
Glad you finally figured out. Still slow but a bit better than yourself a few hours ago. This level of improvment is a small step for people with average IQ, but for you, it is huge! Lol
suneo 发表于 2022-09-09 01:27
就喜欢你这副盲目自信的样子 继续保持
就喜欢你这副盲目自信的样子 继续保持
Wanfeiche 发表于 2022-09-09 01:30
No worries, it is hard to not feel good about my intel in front of you. Lol
就是我说的呀 你脸无穷大 连简单的意思都表达不清楚 还敢到中文论坛来秀三脚猫英语
Wanfeiche 发表于 2022-09-09 01:32
Lol. Try reading it again and see if you can figure it out.
No worries, it is hard to not feel good about my intel in front of you. Lol
suneo 发表于 2022-09-09 01:34
对呀,对于你这样低的智力水平的人来说,日常生活中很多事情都很难吧, 哈哈
Lol. Try reading it again and see if you can figure it out.
suneo 发表于 2022-09-09 01:38
哈哈 多说几遍 看你能不能说清楚一个简单的意思
对呀,对于你这样低的智力水平的人来说,日常生活中很多事情都很难吧, 哈哈
Wanfeiche 发表于 2022-09-09 01:40
“对呀” lol
“对呀” lol
suneo 发表于 2022-09-09 01:43
对呀 哈哈
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