這個找會計師便宜,律師更厲害當然貴很多。 可以避稅的方法,我讓律師簽名,如果有問題,我會去找他負責任。
linne 发表于 2023-12-31 19:07
大衣被禁 发表于 2023-12-31 19:43
那长远计划, 是不是可以1031 换成自己想住的房子, 然后出租两年, 变自住, 之后只要头两年需要交税。住的越久越划算。
这个很耗年头, 很多出租房的, 只能留给孩子了? 遗产税也挺高的吧?
1031 Exchange可以换成international properties么?有没有人知道? 可以的话 去买个欧洲vacation apartment?
mainplus 发表于 2023-12-30 22:16
那长远计划, 是不是可以1031 换成自己想住的房子, 然后出租两年, 变自住, 之后只要头两年需要交税。住的越久越划算。
这个很耗年头, 很多出租房的, 只能留给孩子了? 遗产税也挺高的吧?
snow-fox 发表于 2023-12-31 19:49
现在到25年 遗产免税额度是2千多万,之后可能减半。如果夫妻两个的遗产将来 不超过1千万,不用担心将来遗产税的的问题。
linne 发表于 2023-12-31 18:56
Anotherfacet 发表于 2023-12-31 20:34
你覺得你的語文和經驗可以超過人家做了20,30 年的老律師? 人家弄了幾千幾萬件了,你才搞第一件,還不是你的專業。我是法盲,不能自己當律師的。
你覺得你的語文和經驗可以超過人家做了20,30 年的老律師? 人家弄了幾千幾萬件了,你才搞第一件,還不是你的專業。我是法盲,不能自己當律師的。
linne 发表于 2023-12-31 20:40
对的,是我(and probably lz''s CPA too)错了。感谢各位兄弟指出。
查过IRS pub 523了。出租房转自住要prorate,自住房转出租如果满足2/5就不需要。如下
Section B. Determine your non-qualified use gain. Complete this section only if the following apply: a) During the time you owned the property there were periods of non-qualified use when neither you nor your spouse (or your former spouse) used the property as your main residence; b) the periods of non-qualified use occurred after 2008; c) the periods of non-qualified use occurred before the last day the property was used as your or your spouse’s (or your former spouse) principal residence prior to the date of sale. Do not include any period of non-qualified use that occurred after the last day that you or your spouse (or former spouse) used the property as your principal residence during the 5-year period prior to the date of sale.*
Anotherfacet 发表于 2023-12-31 18:03
Prorating the exclusion only applies where the taxpayer used the residence for nonqualified purposes and then converts the property to a principal residence. The opposite is not true. If the residence was used as a principal residence first and then converted to nonqualified use, the taxpayer may potentially qualify for a full exclusion. The IRS doesn’t want people abusing the five-year rule with rentals that they move back into just before the sale. This creates two examples to consider.
If you live in your home for two years and then rent it out for two years before selling it, you qualify for the full exclusion amount due to meeting the use test by having lived in the home for two out of the last five years before the sale and meeting the ownership test.
If you rent out your property for two years and then move back in for two years before selling it, you must prorate your exclusion because the exception to periods of non-qualifying use only applies to portions of the five-year use test period that occur after the last date that the property is used as a principal residence [26 U.S.C. § 121(b)(5)(C)(ii)(I)].
Anotherfacet 发表于 2023-12-31 20:46
在哪裏?我沒有看到哪裏弄錯了啊。If you fail to meet the requirements to qualify for the $250,000 or $500,000 exclusion,我沒有説過這個啊
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