以下是引用xyin在2008-12-15 15:48:00的发言:
你的到底是HELOC还是home equity loan?
如果是前者我还没有听到可以fixed ...
你的到底是HELOC还是home equity loan?
如果是前者我还没有听到可以fixed ...
我一直说的是home equity line啊。 说实话我还在纳闷这个heloc是个什么咚咚,
刚开始还以为是home equity line的缩写呢。
以下是引用doze在2008-12-15 15:50:00的发言:
我一直说的是home equity line啊。 说实话我还在纳闷这个heloc是个什么咚咚,
刚开始还以为是home equity line的缩写呢。
Home equity line of credit (HELOC)
home equity loan
你的是前者还是后者?前者一般是浮动的, 后者有fixed rate。
补充, 我简单查了一下, 好像现在HELOC有固定利率, 具体怎样不知道。
Wells Fargo Home Equity Account
RatesVariable, with fixed-rate option2
2 There is no limit on the maximum amount of a fixed rate advance taken at origination (up to your credit limit). The minimum fixed rate advance amount is $10,000. After account opening, additional fixed rate advances may not exceed $250,000 of the aggregate principal balance or your credit limit, whichever is less. You may request up to 2 fixed rate advances each year with up to 3 fixed rate advances at one time. Interest-only fixed rate advances have a term of 1 to 5 years. Amortized fixed rate advances have a term of 5 to 30 years, depending on the amount advanced; except that for Texas homestead secured accounts, the term is 1 to10 years.
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-12-15 16:45:02编辑过]
我们开的HELOC没有这个fixed option
prime 变, 我们好像也变。。
MM这个fixed 这么多年真的很划算。 能不能把你的bank 名字PM给我呢?
prime 变, 我们好像也变。。
MM这个fixed 这么多年真的很划算。 能不能把你的bank 名字PM给我呢?
以下是引用doze在2008-12-15 15:32:00的发言:
借35万,可是lzmm说过你贷了20几万, 放下这个不提。35万,3。5% (20 year term)利率的话,一个月还贷2030元。 5。5%利率 (20 year term)利率的话, 一个月还贷2407元。怎么也差不了1000多,lzmm说的差1000多肯定没有算上本金, 你只是每个月付了利息而已,所以才能看起来省了1000多。这么算吧,假如借35万,3.5%利率的话,一个月还1000块,当然还得自己交保险等。
可如果mortgage 利率5.5%的话,本金加利息加保险一个月就是两千多块了。
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-12-15 17:37:05编辑过]
以下是引用xyin在2008-12-15 16:31:00的发言:
Home equity line of credit (HELOC)
home equity loan
你的是前者还是后者?前者一般是浮动的, 后者有fixed rate。
补充, 我简单查了一下, 好像现在HELOC有固定利率, 具体怎样不知道。
Wells Fargo Home Equity Account
RatesVariable, with fixed-rate option2
2 There is no limit on the maximum amount of a fixed rate advance taken at origination (up to your credit limit). The minimum fixed rate advance amount is $10,000. After account opening, additional fixed rate advances may not exceed $250,000 of the aggregate principal balance or your credit limit, whichever is less. You may request up to 2 fixed rate advances each year with up to 3 fixed rate advances at one time. Interest-only fixed rate advances have a term of 1 to 5 years. Amortized fixed rate advances have a term of 5 to 30 years, depending on the amount advanced; except that for Texas homestead secured accounts, the term is 1 to10 years.
their fixed rate is very high.Home equity line of credit (HELOC)
home equity loan
你的是前者还是后者?前者一般是浮动的, 后者有fixed rate。
补充, 我简单查了一下, 好像现在HELOC有固定利率, 具体怎样不知道。
Wells Fargo Home Equity Account
RatesVariable, with fixed-rate option2
2 There is no limit on the maximum amount of a fixed rate advance taken at origination (up to your credit limit). The minimum fixed rate advance amount is $10,000. After account opening, additional fixed rate advances may not exceed $250,000 of the aggregate principal balance or your credit limit, whichever is less. You may request up to 2 fixed rate advances each year with up to 3 fixed rate advances at one time. Interest-only fixed rate advances have a term of 1 to 5 years. Amortized fixed rate advances have a term of 5 to 30 years, depending on the amount advanced; except that for Texas homestead secured accounts, the term is 1 to10 years.
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-12-15 16:45:02编辑过]
以下是引用maodouchong在2008-12-15 17:21:00的发言:
借35万,可是lzmm说过你贷了20几万, 放下这个不提。35万,3。5% (20 year term)利率的话,一个月还贷2030元。 5。5%利率 (20 year term)利率的话, 一个月还贷2407元。怎么也差不了1000多,lzmm说的差1000多肯定没有算上本金, 你只是每个月付了利息而已,所以才能看起来省了1000多。
借35万,可是lzmm说过你贷了20几万, 放下这个不提。35万,3。5% (20 year term)利率的话,一个月还贷2030元。 5。5%利率 (20 year term)利率的话, 一个月还贷2407元。怎么也差不了1000多,lzmm说的差1000多肯定没有算上本金, 你只是每个月付了利息而已,所以才能看起来省了1000多。
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-12-15 17:37:05编辑过]
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