[转帖] 住院医7个月有感
2007-03-05 21:54:00
发信人: cntiger (中国虎), 信区: MedicalCareer
标 题: 住院医7个月有感
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Mar 4 15:05:40 2007)
时间很快,第一年还有三个多月就要结束了. 算是有些心得和感想,希望有用. 写的颠三
倒四的, 花了两个周末.
First year we do 9 months internal medicine, 2 months neurology and 1 month
psychiatry as neurology resident. 第一年还是很忙的,我也有些年没有接触临床了.
不过还是manageable, even with the new born(I have a new born), my family -
my wife, my mom and my parents-in-law, surely gave me a lot of supports.
1)我们每个月都要on call. on call 是最痛苦的. 如果你没有internal medicine的
call ( when I am on consult month or clinic month), I have to take neurology
call. On call is very heavy, usually 你要crosscover about 50-55 patients on
the floor while you have to take all of new admission from ER. You admit up
to 5 patients to your service, then allocate the rest to other teams. 基本
上没有机会睡觉, 有的时候想的没想的. 50个病人基本把你的pager爆满好几次. 一般
情况, 你不能get your upper level involved unless patient has a life
threatening situation, otherwise you will be considered as very incompetent
by those upper level (which is a bad situation). First call on new
admission from ER is supposed to goes to upper level, but half of time you
will get call first. Sometimes upper level is nice, they finish almost
everything for you, but most of time they are busy as well. You have to do
everything. Neurology call is better, crosscover about 20-25 patients at
both university hospital and VA hospital. But you have to take consult
request and new admission from Child hospital, ER at adult hospital and ER
at county hospital and VA hospital. 半夜三更你要跑来跑去, 男的还好, 女的真是
不安全. 最狠的是brain attack call, stroke patients, 经常是半夜三更, 一去ER就
2)Reading很重要, first 3 months I was overwhelmed and did not have anytime
to read, plus baby also demanded sometime from me. After 3 months, I forced
myself to read 2 hours everyday. I read everything assigned to me from every
rotation, every case report and artical about clinical practice from New
England Journal of medicine, and lots of articles from
Reading gave me a lot of confidence in daily work.
3)语言, 简直是vital, more than how you described. 我们中国人的软肋. 不过可以
improved. 病历汇报前组织一下, 讲慢些, 我三个月后就好多了. 好多英文单词我基
本上都叫三年级学生帮我发音. 学生, 你多教他们一些基本功. 他们还是很高兴的.
4)住院医生混过去还可以, 做个好医生发现太难了. 我可能也就这样了. 多发一些时间
和病人. 很多时候你只发半个小时和病人打交道, 病人自己打发剩下的23.5小时. 六
个月评估, 评前我自己觉得还可以, 两个病人的感谢信, Medicine有人让我转系, 评估
时 program director actually gave me a high remark, so overall feel pretty
good with my overall performance in the past 6 months.
5)Match. 越来越难. 400 applications this year for 4 slots. 我去了rank
meeting. 中国人今年差不多全军覆没. 主要原因是old graduate, poor language
skill, poor interpersonal skill. 我看了 一眼, 成绩也一般. 最近朋友给我打电
话问考board, 对old graduate(graduated in 80’s and early 90’s), 我都劝他们
不要试了, 因为investment is too much, in term of money and time and family,
while the outcome is unpredictable. 尤其语言不好, 交际能力差一些, 就别试了.
条条大路通罗马. 医生也就这么回事. 如果你真要趟混水, 那就好好planning, 不要觉
的考好了就一切太平, 语言, reference letter. 好好对待面试, 面试就象一场戏, 你
准备了几年, 别 悔在一时. 理个好发, 买身好衣服(you will have a lot of
opportunities to be dress formally after you get into residency), 准备好
small talk, 了解一点etiquette on dining table. 不要坐在哪儿不说话, 或者就叮
着同胞说话, shake hands with everyone, say nice thing about everyone, but
not over-flattery. Ask questions about city and call schedule. 我们总觉的我
们不关心on call schedule, 再苦再累都会坚持下来, 所以不问了, 别人会觉的你不想
来了. so ask the question even you do not care
6)不要觉得进去了,就太平了, 我们系刚fired了一个三年级的, 不过他后来又找了一个
family medicine program in a remote area. 千万不要被人complaints, 做了什么,
就写个notes. 如果你post call, assign patient to someone else, put a note
about patient’s condition and saying assign to XXX due to post call, please
check bla,…bla….”….
7) family support is very important, too many bad stories about family
situation. spend times with family if possible. rest whenever possible.
※ 来源:·BBS 未名空间站·
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