以下是引用valentina在2004-6-19 13:50:59的发言:
以下是引用eighthday在2004-6-18 21:22:53的发言:
the word "dude" normally refers to men only, I don't think I'm qualified for that....hehe.....
world peace.....
god bless America....
sorry to say that but you sound like a black dude to me, hahahahahaaaaaaaah
[此贴子已经被作者于2004-6-19 13:56:19编辑过]
Save your appologize if you don't mean it.
以下是引用eighthday在2004-6-21 11:21:22的发言:
Save your appologize if you don't mean it.
Save your appologize if you don't mean it.
whatever dude~~~
以下是引用valentina在2004-6-18 20:51:13的发言:
whatever dude, peace...
whatever dude, peace...
以下是引用valentina在2004-6-21 14:19:02的发言:
以下是引用eighthday在2004-6-21 11:21:22的发言:
Save your appologize if you don't mean it.
whatever dude~~~
thanks for being such a decent and pleasant lady~~~
really enjoyed the variety of your vocabulary
以下是引用eighthday在2004-6-21 16:16:04的发言:
thanks for being such a decent and pleasant lady~~~
really enjoyed the variety of your vocabulary
thanks for being such a decent and pleasant lady~~~
really enjoyed the variety of your vocabulary
the pleasure is all mine~~~
P.S. you are absolutely right. How is it possible that i just conveniently missed the entire section of those blackie slangs and still be an american for more than ten years??? Guess USC undergrad is not so good as it sounds....
BTW, were you graduated from standford???? just curious....
BTW, were you graduated from standford???? just curious....
以下是引用valentina在2004-6-21 17:55:42的发言:
P.S. you are absolutely right. How is it possible that i just conveniently missed the entire section of those blackie slangs and still be an american for more than ten years??? Guess USC undergrad is not so good as it sounds....
BTW, were you graduated from standford???? just curious....
P.S. you are absolutely right. How is it possible that i just conveniently missed the entire section of those blackie slangs and still be an american for more than ten years??? Guess USC undergrad is not so good as it sounds....
BTW, were you graduated from standford???? just curious....
aha! can't help myself, just wanna take a picture of this.
以下是引用eighthday在2004-6-22 19:22:30的发言:
aha! can't help myself, just wanna take a picture of this.
aha! can't help myself, just wanna take a picture of this.
by all means please~~~
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