baomama 发表于 2020-12-17 20:20
chwalzxm 发表于 2020-12-17 21:04
Peacelife 发表于 2020-12-17 21:28
ajbo009 发表于 2020-12-17 22:26
“不阔以!” 是重庆话么?
“我只是普通的好看“ 坚果也老是被Cue。
ajbo009 发表于 2020-12-17 22:26
哈哈哈哈,“我既不跨火盆也不开发票,怎么能称得上普通人呢?” 笑死我了
MYTH #2 Breathing in Helium Will Kill Brain Cells
This was a fun demo. The audience was laughing so much from Dr. Ozs’ Barry White voice, I’m not sure they heard all his explanation. In case you missed it, here’s a recap: At some point in our lives, we are all likely to breathe in a balloon full of helium and enjoy the comical Daffy Duck voice that follows. When I was growing up, I was told that this was a bad idea and that brain cells were being destroyed. The good news is, breathing helium does not kill brain cells. The bad news is that breathing helium can, in fact, kill you — but not because of the helium, rather because the lack of oxygen when you inhale the helium. As you breathe in a balloon full of helium, you are not breathing in any oxygen, which your cells need – usually we get this from the air we breathe. The lack of oxygen that comes from breathing in helium can cause fainting or even asphyxiation and death. This is especially likely if you were to breathe several balloons full of helium without getting enough oxygen in between. The bottom line; avoid breathing any gas that is not already in the air around you.
But why does your voice change with helium? Helium makes your voice sound higher pitched because helium is six times lighter than air and sound travels through helium faster than it does through air. The result is that the low sounds of your voice get “suppressed” by the less dense helium and you hear the high tones of your voice. Our sulfur hexafluoride demo had the opposite effect; because it is more dense than air, it drowns out the higher sounds sounds and emphasizes the lower pitch (really timbre) of our voice. On a sulfur hexafluoride side-note, there is a great guy that I get my liquid nitrogen from that NEVER smiles, I mean, never. That all changed when I visited him with the tank of sulfur hexafluoride, took a breath of it from a balloon, and did my best evil laugh…we got a smile from him.
ajbo009 发表于 2020-12-17 22:38
哈哈哈哈,“我既不跨火盆也不开发票,怎么能称得上普通人呢?” 笑死我了
顾医生的小甜心 发表于 2020-12-17 22:47
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