Who Is Zhang Zhehan, the Rising Superstar Dominated Global Music Charts Overnight?
Surprisingly, Zhang Zhehan is a veteran actor and singer for over ten years. However, a coordinated smear campaign destroyed his career around Aug. 13th, 2021, right after he gained more popularity in China for playing a leading role in a web drama.
He was grilled on social media by internet water army and web influencers hired by malicious competitor, and numerous reputable media entities further spread these rumors without verification, which is a heavy blow to his reputation because most Chinese people trust state media.
In just three days, he was cancelled and all his works de-platformed. His presence was erased across all Chinese social media platforms, his voice silenced, and even the right to use his own name is lost, all without any legal backup.
He never gives up fighting for justice, and at the same time, continuing his artistic expression honorably. It was a difficult year for him, the criminal case he filed is still suspended, even his only available social media account overseas was harassed and maliciously reported by the mutual fans with another actor, who believe they are a couple.
The hit song your enjoy today is not simply pop music, it is flesh and blood, tears and hopes of an artist, his name is Zhang Zhehan.
BirdOnWire 发表于 2022-12-16 21:00
牛大发啦。。。激动,胡写 free-style 小意识流文一篇祝贺:
云车光翼喜相迎, 黛岩飞阁声破天,冷看宵小脑裂徒劳疲,逶迤自去无流连。
求真断妄澄明心, 避溺钻火孤创新海天。
BirdOnWire 发表于 2022-12-16 20:05
bjandas 发表于 2022-12-16 22:47
bjandas 发表于 2022-12-16 22:30
wiki 哲新歌词曲作者和制作人的介绍如下。
我 dream 一个未来小哲也去拿金曲奖,可以去台湾领奖。
2018年,佳旺以莫文蔚《亲爱的》入围娱协奖的十大原创歌曲奖 [国际组]。2019年为晟敏单飞后的歌曲《I pray》作曲。2020年,他创作的陈柏宇《感情这回事》获得了叱吒乐坛流行榜颁奖典礼专业推介叱吒十大第八位的奖项。同年,佳旺和新加坡音乐人陈文华联合谱曲、大马音乐人许媛婷填词,创作出卢广仲演唱的《刻在你心底的名字》电影同名主题曲,获得第57届金马奖最佳原创电影歌曲,并获得第32届金曲奖年度歌曲奖。2021年为《HIStory4-近距离爱上你》的插曲《遗失的灵魂》作曲
小岭楼@傻帽要到微博来找虐 和另一位小伙伴迅速写了2篇长度合适的简介。都是客观陈述,不带其他评价。 海外所有支持者,如果有油管community频道或者有其他平台,或者需要介绍他的人都欢迎copy:
Who Is Zhang Zhehan, the Ri hassing Superstar Dominating Global Music Charts Overnight?
Although Zhang Zhehan has not previously appeared on major charts, he is a seasoned actor and musician who has achieved remarkable success in East Asia. A coordinated framing and slander campaign wrecked his career and the lives of his whole family on August 13, 2021, shortly after he had acquired tremendous popularity in China and throughout the world for his leading role in a martial arts drama.
Through hiring paid trolls and spammers, Zhang''s cutthroat competitors inflamed nationalist fervour against Zhang. In the midst of the online frenzy, several prominent Chinese news organizations disseminated these rumors without verifying them.
All of his social media profiles were deleted within three days. In order to avoid being assaulted by paid trolls (known in Chinese internet parlance as "water armies"), multimedia companies removed all of his film, television, and music works. It was even impossible to register users with the name Zhang Zhehan on Chinese online shopping platforms and on some smart phones.
Zhang attempted to pursue legal action in late 2021 to protect his reputation and earn a chance to work again in China, but his case has yet to be approved.
‘Melancholy Sunshine,'' the hit song you''re hearing now, is the first piece Zhang Zhehan has published since he was wrongfully framed in this industry intrigue. Despite this injustice, he is continuously pursuing his artistic goals, demonstrating to the world that he is not defeated.
Who Is Zhang Zhehan, the Rising Superstar Dominating Global Music Charts Overnight?
Surprisingly, Zhang Zhehan is a veteran actor and singer for over ten years. However, a coordinated smear campaign destroyed his career around Aug. 13th, 2021, right after he gained more popularity in China for playing a leading role in a TV show.
He was smeared on social media by internet water army and web influencers recruited by malicious competitor, and numerous reputable media entities further spread these rumors without investigation, which is a heavy blow to his already dubious reputation.
In just three days, he was cancelled and all his works de-platformed under the pressure of China Association of Performing Arts (CAPA). His presence was erased across all Chinese social media platforms , his voice silenced, and even the right to use his own name is lost, all without any legal backup.
In the past one and a half years, he tried to file defamation case in several local police departments without success. With the help of Li XueZheng, the Director of the Golden Shield Television Center, he was able to file the case in Beijing on Dec. 25th, 2021. However, the case is still under suspension after almost a year.
Zhang Zhehan returned to social media unaffiliated with CAPA in April, 2022. He spoke out against the nonstop cyberbullying toward his family and friends, explained how he was framed up by peer competitors. Soon after, his account was massively reported and terminated for deep-fake impersonation. With the help of his supporters questioning the mishandling of his account, Zhang was able to get his account back in a few days.
The hit song, “Sunny Blue”, is Zhang Zhehan’s debut single after more than a year in pursuit of justice.
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