具体说说我的经历。刚开始来到华人,是因为有些帖子的吸引。有些很好的帖子发在huaren,但发现好多图都看不到,所以发现光潜水是不行的,不能看图成了我申请帐号的源动力。开始时是列兵,才注意到好多老人都是几千的ML什么的,相当神奇,随便发个帖子,大家都很追捧。好奇心和好胜心有促使我进一步学着发帖,开始也许只是这些,但版上mm看完了帖子,会有好多回馈意见,版上mm真的是见多识广,我原来对某个品牌有什么疑问都会用google或baidu,现在我直接在华人搜,往往能得到答案,实在不知,还可以亲自发帖询问,好心的mm会花时间回复,真的很感谢!随着时间过去,ml和级别也有所增长,但有些ml限制得很高,让人真想放弃,但只要小有坚持,就会突然有一日,当有人还在抱怨ml设限时,我已经可以看到图了,这似乎是一种回报似的,让你有欣喜,有责任,把你知道的第一手讯息告知版上的各位,我喜欢huaren!!! 码了好多字,希望版版犒赏!
I agree with your point.
At least for me personally, I usually don't create account for forums since there are too many out there and open to the public to reach. But this website, it's actually much better than the others. It offers ppl a chance for its members to discuss and show off their stuffs, and ppl who did that actually encouraged and got some feedback by the others who read their posts, this becomes a good cycle. Someone on the website needs helps for something, there is always a fast respond back to him/her by the other members.
Although, it is really hard to get the ML points for those ppl who did not post, hahha~ XD (like me). Sign, everytime I was interesting in some posts (with an amazing topic), they HAVE a HIGH ML point limitation to read......I was heart broken, cuz I can't read... T-T
But well, I decided to create an account and try my best to earn the ML point as many as possible. hahhah ~~ XD
Everyone who needs more ML as me, let's cheer up!
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