可以一式 不过只卖熏一草和玫瑰
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-6-17 12:16:29编辑过]
我一般都是local买的, 虽然O家的不全, 但它家没有别家有, 我不太care牌子(是我不对..)
这个网站我买过VC和Hydraulic Acid, 我觉得都不错, 运费超合理(我见过最合理的, 就是upsp first class), 而且超快. 网站也比较nice, 我问问题都很快回答了.
7。, 这个主要是DIY的东西,精油花水便宜,不果质量好像没保障的说,没有认证?其他的还是不错的,运费是另算的,checkout的时候不显示,USPScharge多少他们就收多少,还是很reasonable的,那个markey很牛而且很Nice...
It seems they don't carry Hydraulic acid anymore. I was trying to find it from their acid category, but no such name. Does hydraulic acid have another name?
It seems they don't carry Hydraulic acid anymore. I was trying to find it from their acid category, but no such name. Does hydraulic acid have another name?
MM用Hyaluronic Acid就可以搜出来了。
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