xie dangao!!
yy昨天吃个小型蛋糕,其实是老公单位上baby shower给我们家老二的蛋糕。周六给yy单独订蛋糕单独过生日
以下是引用pupfish在12/2/2010 2:13:00 PM的发言:
I am thinking to buy one recently. :( no good deal a!天,不会是真的把,球你也太后了。赶快换掉啊。过期了还在用,你还不如买个便宜点的不过期的。
So the carseat will expire in 5yrs or 6yrs? I need to recheck the production date.
We are thinking to buy a minivan this month and then change the carseat to marathon. Do you think I can combine coupon from BRU?
以下是引用sunball在12/2/2010 2:20:00 PM的发言:
I am thinking to buy one recently. :( no good deal a!
So the carseat will expire in 5yrs or 6yrs? I need to recheck the production date.
We are thinking to buy a minivan this month and then change the carseat to marathon. Do you think I can combine coupon from BRU?
I am thinking to buy one recently. :( no good deal a!
So the carseat will expire in 5yrs or 6yrs? I need to recheck the production date.
We are thinking to buy a minivan this month and then change the carseat to marathon. Do you think I can combine coupon from BRU?
i used to combine coupons in BRU not have not done so recently.
If you are tight in budget, just get a cheaper carseat. like evenflo...cosco..
以下是引用pupfish在12/2/2010 2:22:00 PM的发言:
budget not that tight. just being so cheap.............i used to combine coupons in BRU not have not done so recently.
If you are tight in budget, just get a cheaper carseat. like evenflo...cosco..
I don't think it's a big deal if it's expired 2-3months since the plastic won't die at exactly the expiration date.
But anyway, we will buy a new one this month for sure.
以下是引用qiqi-2008在12/2/2010 9:02:00 AM的发言:
以下是引用sunball在12/2/2010 2:30:00 PM的发言:
budget not that tight. just being so cheap.............
I don't think it's a big deal if it's expired 2-3months since the plastic won't die at exactly the expiration date.
But anyway, we will buy a new one this month for sure.
budget not that tight. just being so cheap.............
I don't think it's a big deal if it's expired 2-3months since the plastic won't die at exactly the expiration date.
But anyway, we will buy a new one this month for sure.
以下是引用v2oui在12/2/2010 10:58:00 AM的发言:
还要问大家一个问题。我买了一件burberry的100%羊绒大衣,super长款,到我脚脖子了,我个子矮,无法handle这种款,我想让裁缝改短了。。。估计得多少钱阿,大家有经验么? 哦,我这个大衣475税后,我觉得挺便宜的。
还要问大家一个问题。我买了一件burberry的100%羊绒大衣,super长款,到我脚脖子了,我个子矮,无法handle这种款,我想让裁缝改短了。。。估计得多少钱阿,大家有经验么? 哦,我这个大衣475税后,我觉得挺便宜的。
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