[求助]my daughter is so slow in the morning
2013-09-18 08:38:00
My daughter is 4 yrs old and she gets up at 6:30am. The school bus is at 8:38am, right in front of my house. So there are almost two hours for her in the morning. Even though a few times she almost missed the bus. It takes forever for her to finish breakfast. It takes forever for her to put on clothes. It takes forever for her to brush teeth.
Any suggestion on how to get her to hurry up. I am going to do following:
- put a timer for breakfast. Take away food as soon as the timer is off. Pack the leftover food for her to finish on the bus
- take away toys in her rooms so she doesn't get chance to play with tools while putting on clothes
- if she can finish those things on time, she gets to watch a bit TV/ipad
Any suggestions?
Any suggestion on how to get her to hurry up. I am going to do following:
- put a timer for breakfast. Take away food as soon as the timer is off. Pack the leftover food for her to finish on the bus
- take away toys in her rooms so she doesn't get chance to play with tools while putting on clothes
- if she can finish those things on time, she gets to watch a bit TV/ipad
Any suggestions?
以下是引用honeybunch在9/18/2013 8:38:00 AM的发言:
My daughter is 4 yrs old and she gets up at 6:30am. The school bus is at 8:38am, right in front of my house. So there are almost two hours for her in......
不用pack food,该吃的在桌子上吃My daughter is 4 yrs old and she gets up at 6:30am. The school bus is at 8:38am, right in front of my house. So there are almost two hours for her in......
★ 发自Android 华人阅览器 6.2
以下是引用jlbaby在9/18/2013 9:28:00 AM的发言:
不用pack food,该吃的在桌子上吃早上看什么电视啊,晕
而且不赞成拿ipad,tv做奖励,虽然我有时候也会,但大部分是用讲故事或者玩游戏不用pack food,该吃的在桌子上吃早上看什么电视啊,晕
★ 发自Android 华人阅览器 6.2
★ 发自Android 华人阅览器 6.2
这么早起来干嘛, 多睡睡好.
早上low engine正常的,我们大人不是早上也很懒?只是我们知道如何调整自己。买个Hoppy Ball,可以坐在上面跳的那种,起来以后让她在上面跳一下,兴奋起来,调整到right engine,后面会好一点,如果你娃不喜欢Hoppy Ball,你就找个类似有这种功能的玩具,ipad的不行,只会越看越low。我的这个方法不是自己想出来的,是专业的OT教练教的。
[此贴子已经被作者于2013/9/18 18:22:49编辑过]
看来我养了俩小soldiers。我7:10am起床,全收拾好7:30am叫他俩起床。然后我大喊PTC(pee,teeth brushing,clothes),然后我们仨7:45am出门。然后老二在车里稍微吃点snack,8点到学校,玩会9点吃早饭。送完老二在送老大,8:25am左右到老大学校,放好书包,去cafeteria吃早餐,我看他都是十分钟吃完,因为8:45am就进教室了。你们8点多的bus7点多起还来不及吗?多睡点多好。早上告诉他没有play time,就是PTC,你家在家个breakfast然后出门啊,迟到了就不许去学校。
以下是引用blahblah在9/18/2013 1:32:00 PM的发言:
看来我养了俩小soldiers。我7:10am起床,全收拾好7:30am叫他俩起床。然后我大喊PTC(pee,teeth brushing,clothes),然后我们仨7:45am出门。然后老二在车里稍微吃点snack,8点到学校,玩会9点吃早饭。送完老二在送老大,8:25am左右到老大学校,放好书包,去cafeteria吃早餐,我看他都是十分钟吃完,因为8:45am就进教室了。你们8点多的bus7点多起还来不及吗?多睡点多好。早上告诉他没有play time,就是PTC,你家在家个breakfast然后出门啊,迟到了就不许去学校。
I am hoping she can sleep till 7am but she doesn't sleep much since she was born.看来我养了俩小soldiers。我7:10am起床,全收拾好7:30am叫他俩起床。然后我大喊PTC(pee,teeth brushing,clothes),然后我们仨7:45am出门。然后老二在车里稍微吃点snack,8点到学校,玩会9点吃早饭。送完老二在送老大,8:25am左右到老大学校,放好书包,去cafeteria吃早餐,我看他都是十分钟吃完,因为8:45am就进教室了。你们8点多的bus7点多起还来不及吗?多睡点多好。早上告诉他没有play time,就是PTC,你家在家个breakfast然后出门啊,迟到了就不许去学校。
迟到了就不许去学 - this is not practical for us. Both of parents are working full time.
以下是引用honeybunch在9/18/2013 1:37:00 PM的发言:
I am hoping she can sleep till 7am but she doesn't sleep much since she was born.
迟到了就不许去学 - this is not practical for us. Both of parents are working by CouponDropDown" style="TEXT-DECORATION: underline" href="" 91c4="1" in_rurl="">full time.
I am hoping she can sleep till 7am but she doesn't sleep much since she was born.
迟到了就不许去学 - this is not practical for us. Both of parents are working by CouponDropDown" style="TEXT-DECORATION: underline" href="" 91c4="1" in_rurl="">full time.
我家的也很慢很慢,只有大人不停的督促。比如她在桌上吃我在厨房给她pack lunch 加得空自己塞几口饭,然后就不停的说,还有5分钟吃饭时间,还有3分钟,还有1分钟,下次我说停止就下桌。穿衣服也是,是不是的伸头进去督促她穿,然后自己再去帮她两下。我家是7点40起床,8点40出家门。
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