2024-09-15 11:03:02
占据很大因素, 把这个用数字表达出来, 比什么都牛叉。
A and B have largely contributed to xxxxz
Item A and Item B are the two main contributing factors to the over 100 percent growth in total number. Item A grew 50 percent and item B grew 130 percent.
The growth of item A and item B is a major factor in the overall increase, with A growing by 50% and B growing by 130%, contributing to more than 100% of he total growth.
Item A & Item B are the key factors to the overall growth increase. Item A contributes 50% and Item B being 130% respectively.
The growth of items A and B has significantly contributed to the overall increase of more than 100%. Specifically, item A grew by a factor of 1.5 (50% increase), while item B grew by a factor of 2.3 (130% increase).
(From ChatGPT)
The growth of Item A and Item B were significant factors contributing to the overall increase of more than 100%. Item A grew by 50%, while Item B increased by 130%
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