看了大家的回复更郁闷了………… 辞职这个事,我也想过几次了,但是我真的不适合做全职妈妈,性格和能力都是更适合上班的那种。其实以我的能力,是不应该才这个收入的,但是为了配合老公的发展,我牺牲过好几次…………所以事业才起不来…………虽然并不后悔,但是对比之下,还是不甘心 我这点工作成就,虽然不起眼,但也是我一点一滴做起来的,得到老板的认可,也不是一朝一夕的努力,放弃了真的很心痛…… 我就是性格比较认真,大小事情都希望认真做好,才把自己搞得这么累。我娃不吃瓶,为了让他多吃几天母乳,我一直坚持胸喂,晚上赶回家胸喂,等他睡了再继续加班到深夜。为了今天能多陪他一下,昨天加班到12点,今天晚上还得继续加班…………各种心酸………………muffincat 发表于 2016-01-24 23:15 PM [url=][/url]
muffincat 发表于 1/24/2016 11:12:51 PM [url=][/url]
muffincat 发表于 1/24/2016 11:12:51 PM [url=][/url]
Just my two cents:
1. Comparing wages in obviously two different professions is like trying to compare apples and oranges.
2. Do not confuse the concepts of a job and a career, a job is just a job-paying for the rent, earning a living, that’s it. A career is another thing, if you know where your career is, you should not complain, because all your pains and efforts will eventually get payoffs.
3. Honestly speaking, I cannot show any empathy in your case, or even sympathy, and I won’t. A lot of people in this forum are desperately looking for a job, or are currently suffering long-distance for a job. It seems to me you have a perfect family and a job that you can earn self-esteem. Now you just made a fuss about the fact that you cannot compete to your husband’s abnormally high salary, if you keep thinking like this, no need to grill: hell is other people.
chlorine 发表于 1/25/2016 1:57:11 AM [url=][/url]
chlorine 发表于 1/25/2016 1:57:11 AM [url=][/url]
能挣那么多钱就不会雇保姆吗,还让父母来带孩子? 家务等包出去,买衣服就上网买,也能轻松不少。lz挖坑吧
I very much agree with this comment. Very sensible and clear headed.
Money is not the only thing that matters. You can't boost your self-esteem from what your husband earns. Meanwhile, think from the bright side, you are having a "problem" many people are yearning for. What you need to do is to better prioritize your life, family and career. Keep at it, when your kids grow up a little, you'll have the time to catch up with your career.
P.S. I'm in a similar situation - not as much as 10 times - but my salary is negligible for the household. And I love my job and I'm not as busy.
But I understand my strength is not at homemaking and I won't enjoy it as much. The solution we found is to find a good nanny, pay her with my salary and we take care of kids outside of our work hours. So far it seems to be working.
Just my two cents: 1. Comparing wages in obviously two different professions is like trying to compare apples and oranges. 2. Do not confuse the concepts of a job and a career, a job is just a job-paying for the rent, earning a living, that’s it. A career is another thing, if you know where your career is, you should not complain, because all your pains and efforts will eventually get payoffs. 3. Honestly speaking, I cannot show any empathy in your case, or even sympathy, and I won’t. A lot of people in this forum are desperately looking for a job, ochlorine 发表于 2016-01-25 09:34 AM [url=][/url]
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