拿绿卡以来从来没有走过visa通道, 绿卡就是US-person了,每次过海关都会问工作人员,都让走Citizen通道。
这个事情去Reddit 看看别人的经历 可能更有意义,如果非要整出个 对与错来;
关键是看完下面一堆 老美网友的讨论,有 清楚结论了吗? 我看没有,it all depends
If I (US citizen) living overseas travel to the US with my GF (EU citizen traveling with ESTA) which line should we take at immigration? The last 2 times we received conflicting information from the airport personell:
First time we were told to go through immigration together since we are traveling together and she can go with me through the citizens line. But last time we were told to either split up or go through the non citizen line together.
Both times I didn’t ask the CBP officers because they didn’t seem to care and i didn’t want to annoy them.
Is there like an official rule or law?
Different by airport and the person on duty.
Depends on what airport, though generally US customs has one line for ESTA, Citizens and green card people, and another line for speciality visas.
Technically you’re supposed to go into the USC/LPR line, and she’s supposed to go into the non-USC line unless there’s a special line for ESTA. But it’s also one of those things that’s really up to person who you meet at the counter. All of the officers have the same training, and non citizens end up in the USC line all the time. The main reason for the different lines is so USC’s don’t have to wait as long to clear immigration. If I were in your shoes, I’d suggest you both just get into the USC line until told otherwise.
I know for JFK you split up. Idk about other airports
You can either go through the non-citizen line with her or go through the lines separately. Just be prepared that either way, you may get yelled at for doing it wrong.
I wouldn't bring her through the citizen line. The citizen lines are mostly automated at many airports with the scan passport/get receipt with photo system, and she probably can't do that.
Also, separate issue, be prepared that she may face much more scrutiny than she has in the past coming to the USA to visit an American boyfriend during the pandemic. It has been reported here that since traveler numbers are down, CBP officers now have more time to scrutinize travelers with "Why the heck are you coming here now?" questions.
CBP officers are also aware the US embassies abroad have suspended processing fiancee visa and spouse visas and that there will be backlogs and timelines will be longer once those visa services resume, which may create an extra incentive for someone to try to enter the USA on ESTA and then get married and adjust status.
She would be well advised to arrive with a return ticket showing a brief visit of a few weeks and a job/life to return to in Europe. If she has no job in Europe and is planning to stay with you for 3 months, they may suspect she wants to live in the USA.
Every time I've ever done it there's been conflicting information. I've been told by airport staff to go through the USC line with my USC wife, only to be questioned my I was doing that by the CBP officer.
Some airports have USC/PR/Visitor lines, some just have one line, some will have joint USC/PR lines.... really, it's a dartboard of options.
下了飞机,进海关的时候,我们直接走的US citizen 通道。然后我们被莫名其妙的喊住了,让我走immigration 通道? EXCUSE ? 以前从来没有过。我就上去问WHY? 那个人也不回答。就问我: 你是美国护照吗? 我说我绿卡。她就说”那你必须走移民通道。” .
?! 什么情况? 我不是在办理移民啊喂! 算了,下飞机好累。我让老公很孩子先走公民通道,快且人少。那位大妈又拦住我”直接问, ”这真的是你的家人吗? (EXCUSE ME ?! 我知道全家除了我,包括我老公都是混血的, 不太中国脸。但这话太冒犯了!!!!” 。 ” 我就说是,她就说”那你们都要走移民通道” 。
妈的!!! 老娘不干了! 我查了网站, 发现绿卡的确可以走公民通道!
我走上前,问她工牌和名字。 她竟然遮住ID 并说我不需要告诉你名字!
WTF !!!!!! 我开始提高音量,引起注意。 这时候她的SUPERVISIOR 来了, 但这个人竟然是帮这位大妈。并表示,我查到的不算什么。规定一直在变! 并告诉我,如果你还有意见,他们要叫security 了。。。
WTF ×2. 我拍你不成。我直接說你們這就是在歧視中国人。我感到了歧视!
而就在这时候,我那个猪队友,突然反而开始道歉, 把我拉去排队了。!!!! 强拉着我去排队!!(说什么别闹了。你要为孩子想想! 回去再说) 。
我一路哭。 我太委屈了。
后来, 再次,还是一个亚裔的海关人员,让我插了队,直接看了我们的证件给我放行。
我把他骂了一通~~~ 他答应给我找律师。
可是事情都过去了,连名字都没有。怎么open a case ?!
还有那些说是我错的了,我都电话到直接部门问了, 都告诉我可以走公民通道。 你们能不能不要总是觉发生歧视事件,第一时间就自我反省是不是我不对。好不好!
另: 说我遍故事的。我补充下细节吧
上网查这个细节是: 我被要求走非公民通道的时候,我来来回回去理论了几次。第一次被告知绿卡就是要走移民通道。我一开始有怂,排队去了。后来我想让家人走公民至少快些,谁知竟然被质问。就越想越不对,排队的时间,拿出手机查了(当时也没人阻止我)。 查到我可以走公民,我又去理论, 这次她上司也来了。并表示要喊security. 这次老公把我强硬拉走了。 这些都是细节。
还有我们那次因为娃磨蹭。到我们终于来到custom 的时候,大部队们早就走的不剩什么人了。只有三三两两人还在出来。所以我就变得很明显了。
可以带着 绿卡走 公民的 line
Dulles 机场,有一年,绿卡老人,排队的时候,我们是公民,专门说了一下,就和我们走公民的line 了
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