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2016-06-26 12:42:29

[p=30, 2, left]1.主权问题

[p=30, 2, left]脱欧可以帮助英国有机会重新自己制定法律,恢复主权国地位。

[p=30, 2, left]据下议院图书馆的数据显示,英国有60%的法例由欧盟委员会制订,但该委员会的28国代表,没有一个是经选举产生。

[p=30, 2, left]2.达成全球贸易协议

[p=30, 2, left]当下,英国不能随意跟其他国家磋商贸易协议,必须由布鲁塞尔代表欧盟成员国作商讨;脱欧可取回贸易主导权。

[p=30, 2, left]3.就业市场依旧存在

[p=30, 2, left]数据显示,与欧盟贸易有关的英国职位约为330万个,而与英国贸易有关的欧盟国职位则多逾500万个;脱欧后英国有议价能力,继续与欧盟正常贸易。

[p=30, 2, left]4.不需再向欧盟缴交巨额会费

[p=30, 2, left]有统计指,以去年为例,英国平均每天向欧盟缴费2300万英镑,数目不小。

[p=30, 2, left]5.重新管制边境

[p=30, 2, left]当下,有多达300万欧盟国移民居于英国境内,移民数量并无上限,英国也无法适度管制边境。而欧盟有意扩大东欧移民进入英国的人数。

[p=30, 2, left]6.移民系统失衡

[p=30, 2, left]根据欧盟法律,英国必须让所有欧盟国成员的移民入境,不能以他们的个人条件作筛选。因此造成企业无法从澳洲等英联邦国家及美国输入高学历人材。英国脱欧后可重新审批移民,以能力而非国籍来筛选移民。

[p=30, 2, left]7.夺回司法权

[p=30, 2, left]英国国会没权力反抗欧盟的裁决,而欧盟法院上至英国驱逐恐怖分子、下至啤酒售价都要管辖。

[p=30, 2, left]8.杜绝移民罪案

[p=30, 2, left]欧盟让部分曾犯杀人、强奸及贩毒等人士随意出入境,他们进入英国后犯事,英国不可驱逐。现时英国监狱内有1万名外国囚犯。

[p=30, 2, left]9.拒绝不受欢迎人物入境

[p=30, 2, left]英国过往有权以“不符公众利益”为由拒绝部分人士入境,但现时不能以此拒绝欧盟国人民。

[p=30, 2, left]10.对抗恐怖主义

[p=30, 2, left]欧盟的自由出入境政策令欧洲成为恐怖分子温床,目前多大5000名伊斯兰国战士在欧洲自由行动。

[p=30, 2, left]11.土耳其有机会加入欧盟

[p=30, 2, left]如果土耳其加入欧盟,估计每年将有多达10万人移居英国。

[p=30, 2, left]12.欧盟财政混乱

[p=30, 2, left]去年的报告指,欧盟的开支连续21年被指不符合财务条例,存在违规。

[p=30, 2, left]13.欧盟经济表现差

[p=30, 2, left]从2008年至去年,英国的经济增长达6.8%,但欧盟仅得1.9%;英国失业率为5%,欧盟则为10.2%

[p=30, 2, left]14.英国企业被欧盟僵化市场条例所累

[p=30, 2, left]只有百分之六的英国企业在遵循欧盟单一市场条例时可以向欧盟出口产品,作为英国命脉的小企业损失最大。

[p=30, 2, left]15.保障公共服务

[p=30, 2, left]大量移民涌入,对英国医疗、教育、交通及房屋等公共服务造成沉重负担。

[p=30, 2, left]16.控制申请庇护的难民

[p=30, 2, left]有统计显示,去年130万移民申请在英国避难,其中363000来自叙利亚。

[p=30, 2, left]17.欧盟农业补贴预算分配不公

[p=30, 2, left]英国仅获欧盟分配7%的农业预算开支,比德国、法国、意大利,甚至波兰少。

[p=30, 2, left]18.环保政策矫枉过正

[p=30, 2, left]一些规定影响民众生活,比如吸尘机功率不能大过1600瓦特。

[p=30, 2, left]19.强征增值税

[p=30, 2, left]欧盟规定英国政府向每件货物征收至少5%的增值税,加重贫困家庭的负担。

[p=30, 2, left]20.重夺海上专属经济区

[p=30, 2, left]国际公约规定,所有国家可将离岸最多370公里的海域划为专属经济区,但欧盟将各成员国的所有专属经济区划为同一海域,英国渔民的专属经济区仅有离岸约20公里的海域,其余海域须与其他欧盟国渔民共同分享。去年,西班牙渔船在苏格兰对开的大西洋,捕获1.5万吨海产,英国渔船在该区仅得7000吨。




2016-06-26 13:56:48

这篇英语的,也对脱欧分析的很透彻: [url=][/url]



2016-06-26 14:00:52

The British people have voted to leave the European Union. It was not by an overwhelming majority at 52 percent, but it couldn’t have been imagined 10 years ago. We have been seeing this fragmentation throughout Europe, but we now have the first case of a nation deciding to leave. I doubt that it will be the last. But as the first, we should try to understand clearly why the British voted as they did. We should also be thankful that we will never hear the word Brexit again. I really hated that term. The issue is what prompted this outpouring of votes to leave. There were three reasons, in my view, that drove it. Economics The first was simple. Supporters of remaining in the EU made the case that there would be substantial economic costs. Opponents of the EU noted the obvious, which is that the EU is a dysfunctional economic entity that has been unable to address the economic problems that have developed since 2008. It has not addressed the condition of southern Europe, where unemployment has remained at more than 20 percent for years, nor the high unemployment in France. The profound difference between the lives of southern Europeans, including the middle class, and Germans, who enjoy 4.2 percent unemployment, is profound. Europe as a whole has stagnated economically. The argument for remaining in the EU was that the alternative was economic disaster. It made little sense to the opponents of membership to try to solve British problems through a close link to an organization experiencing regional economic disaster and organization-wide stagnation. These voters were not persuaded by the idea that leaving the EU would lead to economic disaster. Their sense was that remaining in the European Union would force Britain to share Europe’s fate. Obviously they did not think that Europe would throw up trade barriers against Britain. The U.K. is Germany’s third most important export target; The last thing Germany wants is a trade war with Britain. Similarly, the threat that London’s banks would decamp for Frankfurt is not only logistically implausible, but doesn’t take the banks’ clients into account. Clients from around the world like visiting London and it is the clients that matter in finance. By moving to Frankfurt, New York would become a unique magnet. Frankfurt, not so much. In the end, the Europeans need the financial services London provides. They will not lock it out. The European Union did not create the financial relationships that exist. Britain’s financial role goes back almost two centuries. The EU is a system that aligns with financial reality. It does not create it. The threat of consequences was not persuasive. Sovereignty The second reason had to do with a global trend toward nationalism. There is a sense that the multinational financial, trade and defense organizations created after World War II have ceased to function effectively. The EU is an example, but the International Monetary Fund and NATO are other examples. More than not serving any purpose, these institutions do harm in malfunctioning and most important, take control away from the nation. For supporters of remaining, such organizations are self-evidently valuable and may need to be tweaked but not abandoned. For those voting to leave, these organizations take away sovereignty from the nation, and therefore the nation loses control over its own fate. Lacking trust in these entities and fearing the consequences of losing control, nationalism becomes a powerful attraction. The immigration crisis in Europe was a trigger. While leaders of some countries and of the EU argued that aiding the refugees was a moral obligation, opponents of the EU saw this as a national issue, as it affected the internal life of the country. The attempt to take control of this issue away from Britain was a particularly important driver for the “leave” vote. The EU has trouble understanding the power of nationalism. It attempts to retain nationality as a cultural right, but deprive the nation of power to make many decisions. This strategy was embraced before 2008, but became difficult to accept after. Political Elitism Finally, there was a profound loss of the political leadership of Britain, with the leaders of both the Conservative and Labour parties rejected by the “leave” voters. Both parties had endorsed remaining with the EU, and both parties saw many of their members go into opposition on the issue. Indeed, in many ways this was a three-way struggle, with the two established parties wanting to remain in the EU and a third faction, drawn from both parties, opposing it. People in this third group saw both establishment parties as hostile to their interests. This should be considered in the broader sense. The financial markets panicked at the possibility of an anti-EU vote. They said so loudly. What they did not grasp was the degree to which they had lost legitimacy in 2008. It appeared to this third group that the financial industry’s recklessness and incompetence had created a disaster for many. In addition, many of the voters saw no benefit to themselves in the success of the financial industry or its location in London. While in Britain, the financial industry would have disproportionate influence, that would harm the voters. The degree to which this was a vote that was directed against the British elite is vital to understand. Politicians, business leaders and intellectuals were all seen as having lost their right to control the system. The elites had contempt for their values - for their nationalism and their interests. This is not a new phenomenon in Europe, but it is one that the EU had thought it had banished. This is not a British phenomenon by any means. It is something that is sweeping Europe and China. It is also present in the United States, in the figure of Donald Trump whose entire strategy is to attack both the Democratic and Republican leadership and the elite who have contempt for the nationalism and moral principles of those beneath them. It is a general process the West is undergoing, and it came to London yesterday.



2016-06-26 14:11:11

BBC报道称,尽管获得超过10万签名,就可以在议会获得辩论,但是并没有就此采取行动的法律义务。此外,投票规则事先已经明确,如果你不幸站在了失败的一方,就不能随便引入新的规则来反悔。 而从最新民调来看,真正反悔的人也仅占少数。COMRES为Sunday Mirror和Sunday People进行的民调结果显示,此前投票支持退欧的人仅有1%表示后悔,支持二次公投的人也仅有39%。
