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matry1224 发表于 6/15/2016 2:13:26 PM [url=][/url]
matry1224 发表于 6/15/2016 2:13:26 PM [url=][/url]
他们是参加hotel组织的movie night然后小孩子走到水边玩,又不是故意大晚上去湖里游泳,我觉得父母没有责任,完全是迪斯尼的责任
可怜的孩子。。。 公园应该明确警示湖里有鳄鱼,并且鳄鱼会吃人。不是任何一个游客都了解佛州遍地是鳄鱼的,何况是在这么热闹的酒店里面。
EnoughallreadyEnoughallready12 minutes ago
We live in Nebraska, not far from the town where these folks are from.
Most folks know not to enter, or even go near natural or man made waterways in the southeastern US. Even walking your dog near a lake or pond is risky-the gators view any small animal or human within about 5 feet of the shore as fair game; and they move FAST. Gators will also get into swimming pools, if at all possible.
BTW, the article has a few inaccuracies (probably added for sensationalism).
The whole family wasn't wading, just the baby, and he was in just a couple of inches of water at the very edge. Most people wouldn't even call that wading, much less swimming- so the family probably didn't see the harm in letting him get his feet wet.
In their defense-The signs all say 'no swimming'- not 'no standing in/near the water' or 'beware of dangerous reptiles' (which would, understandably, reduce the resort's attractiveness to well heeled guests).
Unless you are familiar with gators; most people form out side the area would assume the water is unsafe to swim in due to possible contamination or bacteria. In the Midwest we have 'no swimming' signs posted for that reason-not because you could get eaten by the wildlife. Wading is generally OK unless you have an open wound.
Frankly, I think this boy would have been taken by the gator just standing NEXT to the water; but Disney can avoid a lawsuit by pointing at the 'no swimming' signs.
想起来几年前和老公去orlando玩 也去了everglade 我很反感野生动物园 一开始怎么都不肯下车 老公傻不愣登的还非要拉我去看鳄鱼 我也记得那条小道 很窄 两边地里就都是大小鳄鱼趴着 道路两侧的木栅栏开口都很大 鳄鱼钻来钻去用人行道过街 游客也都是特兴奋的跟背后的鳄鱼合影 我老公还一直拉镜头拍鳄鱼特写 后来出了公园在回城市的路上碰上日落 我们就随意路边停了车 老公下车去拍落日 我往右边一撇头 发现我们停车的位置刚好有一洼很浅的水 就大雨后还没干掉的一小洼 那里面就有一只小鳄鱼静静地只露出了一点脑袋和眼睛。。。
啵啵啵啵大菠萝 发表于 6/15/2016 2:14:29 PM [url=][/url]
啵啵啵啵大菠萝 发表于 6/15/2016 2:14:29 PM [url=][/url]
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