Ted Cruz: Why a stock 'crash will be coming'
"The Fed has, for those with assets, driven up stock prices," he said in a wide-ranging " Squawk Box " interview four days before the New York primary, which has 95 delegates at stake.
"But that's not built on anything real. It's not built on an increase in the intrinsic value of those assets," he said. "That's just playing games with money, which means a crash will be coming."
"I think we're far better having a rules-based monetary policy, ideally with some tie to gold, so that you have a stable dollar," he said. "So you know when you're investing a dollar today, you know that the dollar is going to keep a consistent worth."
Cruz also said he believes Wall Street firms fill an "important and valuable" role, "providing capital for new enterprises, helping the economic system operate."
"But it shouldn't be the case that Wall Street plays in rigged casinos, 'heads I win, tails I win,' where Wall Street can gamble with other people's money and the government bails them out if they lose," said Cruz, whose wife, Heidi Cruz, worked at Goldman Sachs.
"If you're taking risks, you should bear the consequences of the risk. And the taxpayer shouldn't be on the hook to bail you out," the Texas senator said.
When her husband decided to run for president, Heidi Cruz took an unpaid leave of absence from Goldman.
Ted Cruz: Why a stock 'crash will be coming'
"The Fed has, for those with assets, driven up stock prices," he said in a wide-ranging " Squawk Box " interview four days before the New York primary, which has 95 delegates at stake.
"But that's not built on anything real. It's not built on an increase in the intrinsic value of those assets," he said. "That's just playing games with money, which means a crash will be coming."
"I think we're far better having a rules-based monetary policy, ideally with some tie to gold, so that you have a stable dollar," he said. "So you know when you're investing a dollar today, you know that the dollar is going to keep a consistent worth."
Cruz also said he believes Wall Street firms fill an "important and valuable" role, "providing capital for new enterprises, helping the economic system operate."
"But it shouldn't be the case that Wall Street plays in rigged casinos, 'heads I win, tails I win,' where Wall Street can gamble with other people's money and the government bails them out if they lose," said Cruz, whose wife, Heidi Cruz, worked at Goldman Sachs.
"If you're taking risks, you should bear the consequences of the risk. And the taxpayer shouldn't be on the hook to bail you out," the Texas senator said.
When her husband decided to run for president, Heidi Cruz took an unpaid leave of absence from Goldman.
《MAG2NEWS》中国经济下滑兜里缺钱 大陆客不再爆买
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claireliu 发表于 4/15/2016 4:59:55 PM [url=][/url]
claireliu 发表于 4/15/2016 4:59:55 PM [url=][/url]
我觉得不管谁上台,volatility都会增加,经济是有周期的,债务也是有周期的,这样下去未来经济面临的就是滞胀。零利率,负利率对实体经济一点帮助都没有,玩的都是FINANCIAL ENGINEERING,泡沫总要爆掉的,拖得越晚越麻烦。而且政治压力已经很大,已经到极限了。
各国的政治反弹都开始了,从英国退欧,到川普现象,到韩国国会大选朴槿惠执政党遭遇滑铁卢,到德国右翼政党兴起。我觉得已经玩的 差不多到头了。
德财长朔伊布勒:喷我干啥 又不是我们造成了全球经济问题
德财长朔伊布勒:喷我干啥 又不是我们造成了全球经济问题
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