I'm gona go out on a limb and assume the OP actually wants a meaningful discussion. Here's a list of reasons for you to beckon:
1. Take the threat of climate change seriously and support meaningful action to minimize the impacts.
2. Support the current path to normalizing relations with Iran and Cuba, and curtail any Iranian nuclear weapons ambitions through a negotiated regiment of inspections.
3. Support efforts to pass a constitutional amendment overturning Citizens United.
Nominate Justices to the Supreme Court who will protect women's reproductive freedoms, advance equal rights for gay people, ensure separation of church and state, support sensible gun laws, and support efforts to have the EPA regulate carbon emissions to combat climate change.
4. Oppose torture.
5. Support raising the minimum wage to above the poverty line.
6. Support public schools and support efforts to ensure that a college education is affordable to most Americans.
7. Support a robust safety net for the poorest among us.
8. Support bringing an end to the failed "war on drugs".
9. Support science and fund important scientific research.
deblasio上任的时候也要说支持学校,结果把charter school funding砍得差不多了,往公校厕所塞了免费的卫生棉,就算support了。
I'm gona go out on a limb and assume the OP actually wants a meaningful discussion. Here's a list of reasons for you to beckon:
1. Take the threat of climate change seriously and support meaningful action to minimize the impacts.
2. Support the current path to normalizing relations with Iran and Cuba, and curtail any Iranian nuclear weapons ambitions through a negotiated regiment of inspections.
3. Support efforts to pass a constitutional amendment overturning Citizens United.
Nominate Justices to the Supreme Court who will protect women's reproductive freedoms, advance equal rights for gay people, ensure separation of church and state, support sensible gun laws, and support efforts to have the EPA regulate carbon emissions to combat climate change.
4. Oppose torture.
5. Support raising the minimum wage to above the poverty line.
6. Support public schools and support efforts to ensure that a college education is affordable to most Americans.
7. Support a robust safety net for the poorest among us.
8. Support bringing an end to the failed "war on drugs".
9. Support science and fund important scientific research.
不飞花 发表于 6/25/2016 10:11:40 PM [url=][/url]
1. Take the threat of climate change seriously and support meaningful action to minimize the impacts.
2. Support the current path to normalizing relations with Iran and Cuba, and curtail any Iranian nuclear weapons ambitions through a negotiated regiment of inspections.
3. Support efforts to pass a constitutional amendment overturning Citizens United.
Nominate Justices to the Supreme Court who will protect women's reproductive freedoms, advance equal rights for gay people, ensure separation of church and state, support sensible gun laws, and support efforts to have the EPA regulate carbon emissions to combat climate change.
4. Oppose torture.
5. Support raising the minimum wage to above the poverty line.
6. Support public schools and support efforts to ensure that a college education is affordable to most Americans.
7. Support a robust safety net for the poorest among us.
8. Support bringing an end to the failed "war on drugs".
9. Support science and fund important scientific research.
不飞花 发表于 6/25/2016 10:11:40 PM [url=][/url]
1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 9, 你说的这些条support哪个不需要钱?奥巴执政八年,中产收入下降,更多人live in poverty,美国国债翻倍,你说的这些support哪个是天上掉馅饼免费来的?民主党经济上没起色,只会折腾厕所,加保费和加税。3,民主党的supreme court justice支持AA,大赦非移,对我们是实实在在的影响,你怎么不提?你说的那些social issues,现在不已经都合法化了,还折腾什么劲?一定要矫枉过正随便上厕所才行?
8,什么意思?毒品合法化?毒品很多都是南面边境进来的,如果不加强边境管理,fight war on drugs就是一句空话,加上现在很多毒贩子都被马桶放出来了,确实已经放弃了war on drugs,功德无量
8,什么意思?毒品合法化?毒品很多都是南面边境进来的,如果不加强边境管理,fight war on drugs就是一句空话,加上现在很多毒贩子都被马桶放出来了,确实已经放弃了war on drugs,功德无量
I'm gona go out on a limb and assume the OP actually wants a meaningful discussion. Here's a list of reasons for you to beckon:
1. Take the threat of climate change seriously and support meaningful action to minimize the impacts.
2. Support the current path to normalizing relations with Iran and Cuba, and curtail any Iranian nuclear weapons ambitions through a negotiated regiment of inspections.
3. Support efforts to pass a constitutional amendment overturning Citizens United.
Nominate Justices to the Supreme Court who will protect women's reproductive freedoms, advance equal rights for gay people, ensure separation of church and state, support sensible gun laws, and support efforts to have the EPA regulate carbon emissions to combat climate change.
4. Oppose torture.
5. Support raising the minimum wage to above the poverty line.
6. Support public schools and support efforts to ensure that a college education is affordable to most Americans.( 这点和希拉里对支持AA,在tweeter上的表态,是不是特定指的是 underrepresented group, 让华人子女在读书和就业上面对更加艰难的竞争?)
7. Support a robust safety net for the poorest among us. ( 这针对底层民众,没错, 不过这个safety net 指的是什么? 需要多少税收来完成这个项目,税收从哪里来? 对日益缩小的中产阶级有什么impact?)
8. Support bringing an end to the failed "war on drugs".
9. Support science and fund important scientific research.
不飞花 发表于 6/25/2016 10:11:40 PM [url=][/url]
1. Take the threat of climate change seriously and support meaningful action to minimize the impacts.
2. Support the current path to normalizing relations with Iran and Cuba, and curtail any Iranian nuclear weapons ambitions through a negotiated regiment of inspections.
3. Support efforts to pass a constitutional amendment overturning Citizens United.
Nominate Justices to the Supreme Court who will protect women's reproductive freedoms, advance equal rights for gay people, ensure separation of church and state, support sensible gun laws, and support efforts to have the EPA regulate carbon emissions to combat climate change.
4. Oppose torture.
5. Support raising the minimum wage to above the poverty line.
6. Support public schools and support efforts to ensure that a college education is affordable to most Americans.( 这点和希拉里对支持AA,在tweeter上的表态,是不是特定指的是 underrepresented group, 让华人子女在读书和就业上面对更加艰难的竞争?)
7. Support a robust safety net for the poorest among us. ( 这针对底层民众,没错, 不过这个safety net 指的是什么? 需要多少税收来完成这个项目,税收从哪里来? 对日益缩小的中产阶级有什么impact?)
8. Support bringing an end to the failed "war on drugs".
9. Support science and fund important scientific research.
不飞花 发表于 6/25/2016 10:11:40 PM [url=][/url]
感觉support那里面大方向比较多, 具体怎么实施呢? 我看过希拉里的辩论, 印象中执行方案不多。
第一是非法移民法案, 5百万非法移民 ,希拉里是要支持给工作许可。 这对其他等H1B的人意味着什么? 就这点我觉得是最难接受的, 论坛大部分人都经历过找工作难, H1B难于上青天,而仅仅因为是非法移民就可以获得大赦,凭什么?
第二是叙利亚难民,现在奥马巴接受7万, 希拉里公开表示等我上台我一年接受10万, American needs to do more than that , 原话。
难民的身份 背景调查, 潜在恐怖分子, 什么算? 怎么background check?
来了以后安置的funding 从哪里来? 谁买单?安置在哪些城市?对每个州的impact是什么? federal出多少钱? 每个州出多少钱?
第一是非法移民法案, 5百万非法移民 ,希拉里是要支持给工作许可。 这对其他等H1B的人意味着什么? 就这点我觉得是最难接受的, 论坛大部分人都经历过找工作难, H1B难于上青天,而仅仅因为是非法移民就可以获得大赦,凭什么?
第二是叙利亚难民,现在奥马巴接受7万, 希拉里公开表示等我上台我一年接受10万, American needs to do more than that , 原话。
难民的身份 背景调查, 潜在恐怖分子, 什么算? 怎么background check?
来了以后安置的funding 从哪里来? 谁买单?安置在哪些城市?对每个州的impact是什么? federal出多少钱? 每个州出多少钱?
1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 9, 你说的这些条support哪个不需要钱?奥巴执政八年,中产收入下降,更多人live in poverty,美国国债翻倍,你说的这些support哪个是天上掉馅饼免费来的?民主党经济上没起色,只会折腾厕所,加保费和加税。3,民主党的supreme court justice支持AA,大赦非移,对我们是实实在在的影响,你怎么不提?你说的那些social issues,现在不已经都合法化了,还折腾什么劲?一定要矫枉过正随便上厕所才行?
8,什么意思?毒品合法化?毒品很多都是南面边境进来的,如果不加强边境管理,fight war on drugs就是一句空话,加上现在很多毒贩子都被马桶放出来了,确实已经放弃了war on drugs,功德无量
luckyso 发表于 6/25/2016 10:31:19 PM [url=][/url]
8,什么意思?毒品合法化?毒品很多都是南面边境进来的,如果不加强边境管理,fight war on drugs就是一句空话,加上现在很多毒贩子都被马桶放出来了,确实已经放弃了war on drugs,功德无量
luckyso 发表于 6/25/2016 10:31:19 PM [url=][/url]
还有人在谈论天气和全球变暖,做做数据调查,再不济看看BenCarson的回答,多一点critical thinking 不是坏事。
感觉support那里面大方向比较多, 具体怎么实施呢? 我看过希拉里的辩论, 印象中执行方案不多。
第一是非法移民法案, 5百万非法移民 ,希拉里是要支持给工作许可。 这对其他等H1B的人意味着什么? 就这点我觉得是最难接受的, 论坛大部分人都经历过找工作难, H1B难于上青天,而仅仅因为是非法移民就可以获得大赦,凭什么?
第二是叙利亚难民,现在奥马巴接受7万, 希拉里公开表示等我上台我一年接受10万, American needs to do more than that , 原话。
难民的身份 背景调查, 潜在恐怖分子, 什么算? 怎么background check?
来了以后安置的funding 从哪里来? 谁买单?安置在哪些城市?对每个州的impact是什么? federal出多少钱? 每个州出多少钱?
琪琪玩彩妆 发表于 6/25/2016 10:31:34 PM [url=][/url]
第一是非法移民法案, 5百万非法移民 ,希拉里是要支持给工作许可。 这对其他等H1B的人意味着什么? 就这点我觉得是最难接受的, 论坛大部分人都经历过找工作难, H1B难于上青天,而仅仅因为是非法移民就可以获得大赦,凭什么?
第二是叙利亚难民,现在奥马巴接受7万, 希拉里公开表示等我上台我一年接受10万, American needs to do more than that , 原话。
难民的身份 背景调查, 潜在恐怖分子, 什么算? 怎么background check?
来了以后安置的funding 从哪里来? 谁买单?安置在哪些城市?对每个州的impact是什么? federal出多少钱? 每个州出多少钱?
琪琪玩彩妆 发表于 6/25/2016 10:31:34 PM [url=][/url]
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