Deregulation和Deregulation不一样,关键看具体措施,看程度,看背景。种下financial crisis的祸根是克林顿政府从93年推的“affordable-housing loans”,盲目提高home ownership, 让两房放贷给不合格的人。
Effective in January 1993, the 1992 housing bill required Fannie and Freddie to make 30% of their mortgage purchases affordable-housing loans. The quota was raised to 40% in 1996, 42% in 1997, and in 2000 the Department of Housing and Urban Development ordered the quota raised to 50%.
Bush did push early on for tighter controls over[url=,28804,1869495_1869493_1869484,00.html]Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac[/url], but he failed to move Congress.
Freddie and Fannie dutifully met those goals each and every year until the subprime crisis erupted. By 2008, when both government-sponsored enterprises collapsed, the quota had reached 56%.
8/15: Anderson Cooper闲谈Trump:
AC在自己的节目中总是一副苦大仇深的样子,也没少攻击Trump,这个访谈他还挺搞笑的,"I like to talk to Donald Trump" - 看来他和Trump也有些bromance最近坏事发生的太多,看看这个视频放松一下吧。
Anderson Cooper: Donald Trump Defies All the Laws of Politics - Late Night with Seth Meyers: [url=][/url]
luckyso 发表于 8/14/2015 2:22:59 PM [url=][/url]
AC在自己的节目中总是一副苦大仇深的样子,也没少攻击Trump,这个访谈他还挺搞笑的,"I like to talk to Donald Trump" - 看来他和Trump也有些bromance最近坏事发生的太多,看看这个视频放松一下吧。
Anderson Cooper: Donald Trump Defies All the Laws of Politics - Late Night with Seth Meyers: [url=][/url]
luckyso 发表于 8/14/2015 2:22:59 PM [url=][/url]
“Donald Trump” Clarifies Megyn Kelly Comment
Trump Responds to Activists Taking Over Bernie Sanders Event
2016 presidential candidate Donald Trump called out Senator Bernie Sanders Tuesday for allowing #BlackLivesMatter activists to shut down a rally in Seattle on Saturday.
“That was a disgrace,” Trump said at a press conference before a speech in Michigan on Tuesday, vowing it wouldn’t happen to him:
“I don’t know if I’ll do the fighting myself or if other people will.”
Sanders, a Democratic presidential candidate, allowed two women to take the microphone and take over the rally.
Sanders would end up leaving the rally, after being unable to regain control of the stage.
But on Twitter in the moments following The Donald’s bombastic remarks, #BlackLivesMatter tweeters said they were ready to rise to the challenge.
对啊,很多公司经历过chapter 11
trump唯一接近个人破产就是90年代跟第一任老婆离婚那会儿,贷款做高风险投资玩脱了。因为不想背上loser和quitter的名声,他到处求爷爷告奶奶,甚至从父亲给他们兄弟设的trust fund 提钱。
可能也就是因为曾经频临破产,trump后来对债务对风险的看法变很保守。他在访谈里反复提到美国19 trillion $ debt可能跟这个不无关系。
urthur 发表于 8/14/2015 4:28:53 PM [url=][/url]
怪不得他总说这19 trillion的debt, 好像其他候选人很少提到。普通人对这个数字的债务意味什么可能真没太多概念。
Trump Responds to Activists Taking Over Bernie Sanders Event
2016 presidential candidate Donald Trump called out Senator Bernie Sanders Tuesday for allowing #BlackLivesMatter activists to shut down a rally in Seattle on Saturday.
“That was a disgrace,” Trump said at a press conference before a speech in Michigan on Tuesday, vowing it wouldn’t happen to him:
“I don’t know if I’ll do the fighting myself or if other people will.”
Sanders, a Democratic presidential candidate, allowed two women to take the microphone and take over the rally.
Sanders would end up leaving the rally, after being unable to regain control of the stage.
But on Twitter in the moments following The Donald’s bombastic remarks, #BlackLivesMatter tweeters said they were ready to rise to the challenge.
PositiveVibe 发表于 8/14/2015 11:43:29 PM [url=][/url]
Trump Responds to Activists Taking Over Bernie Sanders Event
2016 presidential candidate Donald Trump called out Senator Bernie Sanders Tuesday for allowing #BlackLivesMatter activists to shut down a rally in Seattle on Saturday.
“That was a disgrace,” Trump said at a press conference before a speech in Michigan on Tuesday, vowing it wouldn’t happen to him:
“I don’t know if I’ll do the fighting myself or if other people will.”
Sanders, a Democratic presidential candidate, allowed two women to take the microphone and take over the rally.
Sanders would end up leaving the rally, after being unable to regain control of the stage.
But on Twitter in the moments following The Donald’s bombastic remarks, #BlackLivesMatter tweeters said they were ready to rise to the challenge.
PositiveVibe 发表于 8/14/2015 11:43:29 PM [url=][/url]
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