Britain’s Vote To Leave
1. Obviously they did not think that Europe would throw up trade barriers against Britain. The U.K. is Germany’s third most important export target; The last thing Germany wants is a trade war with Britain.
2. The second reason had to do with a global trend toward nationalism. There is a sense that the multinational financial, trade and defense organizations created after World War II have ceased to function effectively.
3. Many of the voters saw no benefit to themselves in the success of the financial industry or its location in London. While in Britain, the financial industry would have disproportionate influence, that would harm the voters.
4. in many ways this was a three-way struggle, with the two established parties wanting to remain in the EU and a third faction, drawn from both parties, opposing it. People in this third group saw both establishment parties as hostile to their interests.The degree to which this was a vote that was directed against the British elite is vital to understand. Politicians, business leaders and intellectuals were all seen as having lost their right to control the system. The elites had contempt for their values - for their nationalism and their interests.
5.This is not a British phenomenon by any means. It is something that is sweeping Europe and China. It is also present in the United States, in the figure of Donald Trump whose entire strategy is to attack both the Democratic and Republican leadership and the elite who have contempt for the nationalism and moral principles of those beneath them. It is a general process the West is undergoing, and it came to London yesterday.
Britain’s Vote To Leave
1. Obviously they did not think that Europe would throw up trade barriers against Britain. The U.K. is Germany’s third most important export target; The last thing Germany wants is a trade war with Britain.
2. The second reason had to do with a global trend toward nationalism. There is a sense that the multinational financial, trade and defense organizations created after World War II have ceased to function effectively.
3. Many of the voters saw no benefit to themselves in the success of the financial industry or its location in London. While in Britain, the financial industry would have disproportionate influence, that would harm the voters.
4. in many ways this was a three-way struggle, with the two established parties wanting to remain in the EU and a third faction, drawn from both parties, opposing it. People in this third group saw both establishment parties as hostile to their interests.The degree to which this was a vote that was directed against the British elite is vital to understand. Politicians, business leaders and intellectuals were all seen as having lost their right to control the system. The elites had contempt for their values - for their nationalism and their interests.
5.This is not a British phenomenon by any means. It is something that is sweeping Europe and China. It is also present in the United States, in the figure of Donald Trump whose entire strategy is to attack both the Democratic and Republican leadership and the elite who have contempt for the nationalism and moral principles of those beneath them. It is a general process the West is undergoing, and it came to London yesterday.
2.由过去的历史观之,英国政坛发生的事情,似乎是美国政坛的预兆,例如近40年前,英国保守党领袖撒切尔夫人(Margaret Thatcher)击败工党,成为英国首位女首相,隔年代表共和党竞选总统的里根,击败民主党赢得大选。这种历史轨迹或在今年美国大选再次应验。
2.由过去的历史观之,英国政坛发生的事情,似乎是美国政坛的预兆,例如近40年前,英国保守党领袖撒切尔夫人(Margaret Thatcher)击败工党,成为英国首位女首相,隔年代表共和党竞选总统的里根,击败民主党赢得大选。这种历史轨迹或在今年美国大选再次应验。
而从最新民调来看,真正反悔的人也仅占少数。COMRES为Sunday Mirror和Sunday People进行的民调结果显示,此前投票支持退欧的人仅有1%表示后悔,支持二次公投的人也仅有39%。
而从最新民调来看,真正反悔的人也仅占少数。COMRES为Sunday Mirror和Sunday People进行的民调结果显示,此前投票支持退欧的人仅有1%表示后悔,支持二次公投的人也仅有39%。
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