共和党同意了watch list不可以买枪,但要有due process。民主党不同意,要求不给人申诉的机会,搞secret list, 把共和党法案毙了。谁都可以随便扔到watch list上去,好人持枪的权利如何得到保障?民主党究竟是何目的呢?
回复 [url=]13楼grape12的帖子[/url]
你自己看, 前一阵有mm贴过:
其中民主党共和党各有一个关于禁止上“watch list ”的人买枪的提案。 区别是, 民主党的提案要求建立一个secret list, 不给上名单人due process 去appeal; 而共和党的提案要求due process 给上名单的人申辩机会。这俩提案哪个好?结论显而易见。 但是都被对方毙掉了 --- 所以民主党不要装作无辜少女卖身葬父状,这不work
很多大妈觉着民主党的要求很合理,那是因为不合理的部分媒体就不告诉你。 想知道哪些不合理么? 佩洛熙名言: "We Have to Pass the Bill So That You Can Find Out What Is In it!!!@R$$%$^%&。。。。
Democrats Tanked Gun Control To Up Their Election Chances Apparently Democrats would rather have no gun sales ban than a sales ban that allows Americans due-process rights.
June 21, 2016 By Gabriel Malor
On Monday evening, Senate Democrats put party over principle in rejecting common-sense, reasonable gun control measures. After the mass murder at Orlando gay club Pulse, Sen. Chris Murphy and his colleagues staged a flashy talk-a-thon in which they demanded that votes be taken on legislation strengthening gun control laws. The Senate Republicans agreed to the Democrats’ demand. Democrats got what they asked for, then blew it.
Senate Republicans agreed to vote on four gun control proposals—two offered by Democrats and two offered by Republicans. The Democratic proposals includedSen. Dianne Feinstein’s bill linking a terrorism watch list to a gun sales ban. On the Republican side, Sen. John Cornyn also offered legislation that would link a terrorism watch list to a gun sales ban, but his version added due process protections for Americans who are put on the list. The other two proposals expanded the National Instant Criminal Background Check System, although the Republican version did not go as far as the Democratic version. For a brief moment it seemed as if the Senate would take some kind of action.
Then all four gun control proposals were voted down because of the Democrats.
Rather than agree to the incremental gun control measures Republicans proposed, the Democrats chose to pass no gun control legislation at all. At some point after loudly demanding legislation for more than a week, Senate Democrats decided it would be better for their reelection prospects that no gun control bills pass the Senate during the election season. Their decision was hypocritical, unprincipled, and pure politics.
Republicans were willing to link the terrorism watch list to a gun sales ban, as Democrats have demanded. The price of agreement was due-process protections for Americans placed on the list. But apparently due process is too much for the Democrats. They would rather have no sales ban than a sales ban that comports with the Fifth Amendment. The Democrats similarly rejected an incremental expansion of the National Instant Criminal Background Check System. Apparently, some gun control is not worth sharing credit with the Republicans.
Not content to merely vote against incremental gun control, Senate Democrats then decided to throw a tantrum about it. Murphy sleazed that Senate Republicans “have decided to sell weapons to ISIS.” Sen. Elizabeth Warren tweeted her agreement. Sen. Harry Reid nonsensically accused Republicans of blocking the very gun control measures Republicans had proposed.
Make no mistake: Senate Democrats rejected two incremental gun control bills for no other reason than that Republicans were voting for them. Democrats’ hatred for Republicans was more important to them than the moral standards they claim to possess.
控枪还要严格执行closed border才有效啊。。。
墨西哥不少枪和毒枭, 也许到时候走私的不只是毒品和非移,还有各种civilian & military guns
墨西哥不少枪和毒枭, 也许到时候走私的不只是毒品和非移,还有各种civilian & military guns
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