你仔细读文章了吗 还是英文真就这水平? 比标题党断章取义更下作的是指鹿为马 这招是跟民主党学的吗?
几句话没说完就忍不住low成这样子 你继续自己在这儿唱吧 我没空理你胡搅蛮缠了 最后谢谢你顶贴
lz要睡觉去了 麻烦来造谣生事找茬抹黑的马甲们好歹做做功课或者至少把话说圆点儿再来 不要浪费感情 明天我再来观
你的大论 我都给你引用着 免得你改来改去的 等大家来看呗 看到底是谁打了鸡血在耍精分
看着逻辑措辞 还真没准是个小学生
sakurasnow 发表于 6/30/2016 [url=][/url]
几句话没说完就忍不住low成这样子 你继续自己在这儿唱吧 我没空理你胡搅蛮缠了 最后谢谢你顶贴
lz要睡觉去了 麻烦来造谣生事找茬抹黑的马甲们好歹做做功课或者至少把话说圆点儿再来 不要浪费感情 明天我再来观
你的大论 我都给你引用着 免得你改来改去的 等大家来看呗 看到底是谁打了鸡血在耍精分
看着逻辑措辞 还真没准是个小学生
sakurasnow 发表于 6/30/2016 [url=][/url]
哇一会儿没来 你都帮着顶了这么高的楼了 我说你你还不承认 你要是仔细看了那个文章的全文 或者哪怕点开录像听听吉晓玉到底说了些啥(不过这个google translate可能没法帮你了)就不会只引用了头两段就跑过来high 你觉得自己有幽默感吗 那怎么连“I m just ambiguously ethnic enough to to pass for anything"这样的笑话都听不懂 就算听不懂 底下人的笑声总该听的懂吧
嗯 每个人都有不同理解的权利 但是断章取义 揪着随便一句话脱离了context来批斗 那就是瞎扯淡 这就是我跟你的不同
哇一会儿没来 你都帮着顶了这么高的楼了 我说你你还不承认 你要是仔细看了那个文章的全文 或者哪怕点开录像听听吉晓玉到底说了些啥(不过这个google translate可能没法帮你了)就不会只引用了头两段就跑过来high 你觉得自己有幽默感吗 那怎么连“I m just ambiguously ethnic enough to to pass for anything"这样的笑话都听不懂 就算听不懂 底下人的笑声总该听的懂吧
嗯 每个人都有不同理解的权利 但是断章取义 揪着随便一句话脱离了context来批斗 那就是瞎扯淡 这就是我跟你的不同
sakurasnow 发表于 6/30/2016 4:24:12 AM [url=][/url]
嗯 每个人都有不同理解的权利 但是断章取义 揪着随便一句话脱离了context来批斗 那就是瞎扯淡 这就是我跟你的不同
sakurasnow 发表于 6/30/2016 4:24:12 AM [url=][/url]
House candidate Gitsham said she passed as Hispanic
Gitsham said she is “ambiguously ethnic enough to pass for almost anything” and got Hispanic outreach jo
When she’s introducing herself to potential supporters, Denise Gitsham sometimes brings up her heritage: she’s the daughter of a Chinese mother who immigrated from Taiwan and a father from Canada who served a full career in the United States Air Force.
But when Gitsham’s background wasn’t entirely obvious the uncertainty has worked to her political advantage. It helped her get work during George W. Bush’s 2000 campaign for president, she said.
“I’m just ambiguously ethnic enough to pass for almost anything, and as a result ended up as a Hispanic coalitions coordinator,” she said in a speech Wednesday at C-PAC.
HappyOranges 发表于 6/30/2016 3:09:24 AM [url=][/url]
House candidate Gitsham said she passed as Hispanic
Gitsham said she is “ambiguously ethnic enough to pass for almost anything” and got Hispanic outreach jo
When she’s introducing herself to potential supporters, Denise Gitsham sometimes brings up her heritage: she’s the daughter of a Chinese mother who immigrated from Taiwan and a father from Canada who served a full career in the United States Air Force.
But when Gitsham’s background wasn’t entirely obvious the uncertainty has worked to her political advantage. It helped her get work during George W. Bush’s 2000 campaign for president, she said.
“I’m just ambiguously ethnic enough to pass for almost anything, and as a result ended up as a Hispanic coalitions coordinator,” she said in a speech Wednesday at C-PAC.
HappyOranges 发表于 6/30/2016 3:09:24 AM [url=][/url]
“I’m just ambiguously ethnic enough to pass for almost anything, and as a result ended up as a Hispanic coalitions coordinator,” she said in a speech Wednesday at C-PAC。这可没说她冒充西裔啊,只是说她的ethnicity比较多元,和各类人都说上话,曾经做过西裔的outreach。看了她的挺梁和反AA发言,觉得可以支持。其实不必特别纠结于族裔背景,加州这几次和亚裔站在一起的就有共和党的白人议员。共和党,言论靠谱就支持就可以了,华裔是锦上添花。加州不让民主党一家独大是最重要的。
哇一会儿没来 你都帮着顶了这么高的楼了 我说你你还不承认 你要是仔细看了那个文章的全文 或者哪怕点开录像听听吉晓玉到底说了些啥(不过这个google translate可能没法帮你了)就不会只引用了头两段就跑过来high 你觉得自己有幽默感吗 那怎么连“I m just ambiguously ethnic enough to to pass for anything"这样的笑话都听不懂 就算听不懂 底下人的笑声总该听的懂吧
嗯 每个人都有不同理解的权利 但是断章取义 揪着随便一句话脱离了context来批斗 那就是瞎扯淡 这就是我跟你的不同
sakurasnow 发表于 6/30/2016 4:24:12 AM [url=][/url]
嗯 每个人都有不同理解的权利 但是断章取义 揪着随便一句话脱离了context来批斗 那就是瞎扯淡 这就是我跟你的不同
sakurasnow 发表于 6/30/2016 4:24:12 AM [url=][/url]
她什么时候说她“冒充”了?她有说过自己那时候宣称自己是latino才得到那个位置了吗?你这个论点就跟那文章的作者逻辑一样的 人家明明是讲个笑话 到你们这儿就变成实打实的因果联系的口供了 真是难以让人反驳的逻辑啊 你爱怎么理解怎么理解吧 反正看录像的人都会有自己的判断 你嚷嚷也没用
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