Donald Trump did a racist impression of an Asian accent at his campaign rally on Tuesday evening in Iowa.
Trump told the audience that he is a tough negotiator, and as an example he compared what he described as Jeb Bush’s lethargic style to his own, more aggressive negotiating methods.
“We want killers,” Trump said, because when negotiating with the Chinese and Japanese, they get to the point and say, “WE WANT DEAL!”
Trump emulated a cartoonish Asian accent, and his supporters laughed and applauded.
Trump 和支持者的眼里,老莫和亚裔真没区别。
Donald Trump did a racist impression of an Asian accent at his campaign rally on Tuesday evening in Iowa.
Trump told the audience that he is a tough negotiator, and as an example he compared what he described as Jeb Bush’s lethargic style to his own, more aggressive negotiating methods.
“We want killers,” Trump said, because when negotiating with the Chinese and Japanese, they get to the point and say, “WE WANT DEAL!”
Trump emulated a cartoonish Asian accent, and his supporters laughed and applauded.
Trump 和支持者的眼里,老莫和亚裔真没区别。
THISTHING 发表于 8/26/2015 2:09:56 PM [url=][/url]
Trump told the audience that he is a tough negotiator, and as an example he compared what he described as Jeb Bush’s lethargic style to his own, more aggressive negotiating methods.
“We want killers,” Trump said, because when negotiating with the Chinese and Japanese, they get to the point and say, “WE WANT DEAL!”
Trump emulated a cartoonish Asian accent, and his supporters laughed and applauded.
Trump 和支持者的眼里,老莫和亚裔真没区别。
THISTHING 发表于 8/26/2015 2:09:56 PM [url=][/url]
他一直说要tough on China啊,每个候选人都这么说。通过这个怎么得出他认为“老莫和亚裔真没区别”的,这里面的逻辑我真看不出。
Donald Trump did a racist impression of an Asian accent at his campaign rally on Tuesday evening in Iowa.
Trump told the audience that he is a tough negotiator, and as an example he compared what he described as Jeb Bush’s lethargic style to his own, more aggressive negotiating methods.
“We want killers,” Trump said, because when negotiating with the Chinese and Japanese, they get to the point and say, “WE WANT DEAL!”
Trump emulated a cartoonish Asian accent, and his supporters laughed and applauded.
Trump 和支持者的眼里,老莫和亚裔真没区别。
THISTHING 发表于 8/26/2015 2:09:56 PM [url=][/url]
Trump told the audience that he is a tough negotiator, and as an example he compared what he described as Jeb Bush’s lethargic style to his own, more aggressive negotiating methods.
“We want killers,” Trump said, because when negotiating with the Chinese and Japanese, they get to the point and say, “WE WANT DEAL!”
Trump emulated a cartoonish Asian accent, and his supporters laughed and applauded.
Trump 和支持者的眼里,老莫和亚裔真没区别。
THISTHING 发表于 8/26/2015 2:09:56 PM [url=][/url]
这个报道太断章取义了。。给你看看video ... [url=][/url]
ibtimes的报道 [url=][/url]
完整的speech [url=][/url]
这个报道太断章取义了。。给你看看这个video ... [url=][/url]
ibtimes的报道 [url=][/url]
完整的speech [url=][/url]
urthur 发表于 8/26/2015 2:28:42 PM [url=][/url]
我看了video以后觉得他是在说中国日本人民很直接,所以需要tough negotiator? 不管怎么样,这和racism有什么关系?一些媒体动不动就挥起race大旗煽风点火,想借机把非移问题转化为race问题,居心叵测。
Trump对Asian算是政客里没啥偏见的,他反复说Asian leader smart, 在美国读书有很多Asian以及别的国家的人应该留下来为美国做贡献,而不是回去成为美国的对手。Bush出来找Asian作为替罪羊的时候他也call out on Bush。就这样媒体还要挑拨。。。好在大部分Asian像Trump说的一样是很smart的,不会上当。。。
Donald Trump did a racist impression of an Asian accent at his campaign rally on Tuesday evening in Iowa.
Trump told the audience that he is a tough negotiator, and as an example he compared what he described as Jeb Bush’s lethargic style to his own, more aggressive negotiating methods.
“We want killers,” Trump said, because when negotiating with the Chinese and Japanese, they get to the point and say, “WE WANT DEAL!”
Trump emulated a cartoonish Asian accent, and his supporters laughed and applauded.
Trump 和支持者的眼里,老莫和亚裔真没区别。
THISTHING 发表于 8/26/2015 2:09:56 PM [url=][/url]
Trump told the audience that he is a tough negotiator, and as an example he compared what he described as Jeb Bush’s lethargic style to his own, more aggressive negotiating methods.
“We want killers,” Trump said, because when negotiating with the Chinese and Japanese, they get to the point and say, “WE WANT DEAL!”
Trump emulated a cartoonish Asian accent, and his supporters laughed and applauded.
Trump 和支持者的眼里,老莫和亚裔真没区别。
THISTHING 发表于 8/26/2015 2:09:56 PM [url=][/url]
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