但 王志安 不該做出那個模擬他的姿勢
好比 白人不該把自己的皮膚塗黑來裝黑人
這 是 歧視
王志安 跟一堆共產黨鬥爭哲學培養出來的人 一樣 不懂
鬥爭的 本質 就是 設定區分 然後 貶低 輾壓
土匪的鬥爭 不用 pretext
菁英的鬥爭 需要 pretext
你把胡錦濤 拖出去 有什麼 pretext 嗎?
王志安 歧視 殘疾人 拖出去 名正言順
王志安敢 不砍你砍誰
GOP frontrunner Donald Trump says he wasn''t mocking a New York Times reporter''s muscular disorder when he made jerking motions seeming to imitate the man''s condition during a speech last week, saying today at a rally in Sarasota, Florida, that he was just showing a reporter who was "groveling."
"I was very expressive in saying it, and they said that I was mocking him," Trump said. "I would never mock a person that has difficulty. I would never do that. I''''m telling you, I would never do it."
問題在於這個 不同觀點
有其下限 不能低於 人性的下限
連 川普都不敢破這個 嘲弄殘疾人 的下限
王志安 公開破了
GOP frontrunner Donald Trump says he wasn't mocking a New York Times reporter's muscular disorder when he made jerking motions seeming to imitate the man's condition during a speech last week, saying today at a rally in Sarasota, Florida, that he was just showing a reporter who was "groveling."
"I was very expressive in saying it, and they said that I was mocking him," Trump said. "I would never mock a person that has difficulty. I would never do that. I'm telling you, I would never do it."
yy9922 发表于 2024-01-24 12:58
他在节目中说过, 因为反中医被全网封号。口罩后期回国, 试图通过运作继续回国内发展, 发现没有可能, 出来开油管频道, 就回不去了。他因为反共, 反轮, 反独, 不受任何一方待见
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