2016-06-29 21:27:23
法案通过之后我们能做什么?转自 SVCA 硅谷华人协会 [url=http://svca.me/?q=anti-ab1726]http://svca.me/?q=anti-ab1726[/url]
3月15日,令华裔出离愤怒的法案AB-1726在加州众议院的高教委员会(Higher Education Committee)通过!3月14日SVCA收到共和党议员Catharine Baker的预警后,随即转达给华人社区。众多华人居民及时给各位委员们打电话或发email表达了反对意见,共和党议员Baker和Chavez听取民意不顾阻力勇敢投下反对票([url=http://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billVotesClient.xhtml?bill_id=201520160AB1726]http://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billVotesClient.xhtml?bill_id=20...[/url]),但无奈民主党委员仍齐刷刷投赞成票,以席位的绝对优势促使这一分化亚裔、损害华裔利益的法案进入下一议程。接下来,AB-1726将进入健康委员会(Health Committee)做进一步投票,投票日期未定,预计在未来几周内。
1. 反对AB-1726的组织请务必把组织名称加到法案的Opposition list里。
和SCA 5类似, AB-1726法案上一长串支持的组织名单,一个反对的都没有!这样的强烈反差对比给立法机构非常偏颇的印象,对反对法案及其不利。我们不能再次在官方反对名单上集体失声!不能再次被他人恶意代表! 请各个反对此法案的华人组织马上行动起来,向健康委员会主席Jim Wood以及Assembly Republic Consultant Eric Swanson发反对该法案的声明,强烈要求投反对票。在给Swanson的声明中,请求他在他的分析评述中慎重考虑我们的反对意见,建议共和党议员投反对票。
哪些组织可以支持或者反对法案的请参考 [url=https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Senate_Constitutional_Amendment_No._5]https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Senate_Constitutional_Amendment_No._5[/url] 上面列出的组织名单。
目前打听到的消息是凡通过传真发去声明表示反对的组织和个人都会被列入Opposition list里。建议各大组织给以下这两位议员发传真(组织请用 official letterhead写信。本文最后提供模板)他们的信息是:
Assembly Member Jim Wood
Chair of the Health Committee
State Capitol, Room 6005
Sacramento, California
916-319-2197 fax
Eric Swanson
Assembly Republican Fiscal Office
916-319-3902 fax
发信请务必用letterhead并注明Subject为“Opposition to AB-1726”!!!
2. 华人代表会在未来几周前往州府与Health Committee成员见面,严正陈述对AB-1726的反对。具体信息会及时向大家通报。
3. 给健康委员会成员打电话,发 email。电话号码列表,email地址列表,样板信如下:
Jim Wood (Chair)
Dem - 2
Contact Assembly Member Jim Wood
Capitol Office
P.O. Box 942849, Room 5164, Sacramento, CA 94249-0002; (916) 319-2002
Brian Maienschein (Vice Chair)
Rep - 77
(916) 319-2077
Susan A. Bonilla
Dem - 14
(916) 319-2014
Autumn R. Burke
Dem - 62
(916) 319-2062
Nora Campos
Dem - 27
(916) 319-2027
David Chiu
Dem - 17
(916) 319-2017
Matthew Dababneh
Dem - 45
(916) 319-2045
Jimmy Gomez
Dem - 51
(916) 319-2051
Roger Hernández
Dem - 48
(916) 319-2048
Tom Lackey
Rep - 36
(916) 319-2036
Adrin Nazarian
Dem - 46
(916) 319-2046
Kristin Olsen
Rep - 12
(916) 319-2012
Jim Patterson
Rep - 23
(916) 319-2023
Sebastian Ridley-Thomas
Dem - 54
(916) 319-2054
Freddie Rodriguez
Dem - 52
(916) 319-2052
Miguel Santiago
Dem - 53
(916) 319-2053
Marc Steinorth
Rep - 40
(916) 319-2040
Tony Thurmond
Dem - 15
(916) 319-2015
Marie Waldron
Rep - 75
(916) 319-2075
电话内容参考:I am a voter from XYZ city. I am calling regarding AB-1726, which will be voted on in the Health Committee in the coming weeks.
Please vote NO on this bill. We are disturbed about the hidden agenda under the disguise of addressing the diverse needs of the Asian Americans. This bill is divisive and unfair by singling out Asian Americans to be stratified. AB-1726 is also unscientific because it confuses ethnicities with national origins.
Please vote against AB-1726. Thank you!
Email address 列表:
[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] [url=mailto:,[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]],[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url][/url], [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
组织Email 样板信如下:
如代表组织发信请务必用组织的 letterhead并注明Subject为“Opposition to AB-1726”!!!
Dear [name of Assembly Member]:
We understand that Assembly Bill 1726 will be voted on in the Health Committee in the coming weeks. We urge that you vote against this historically regressive and degenerated bill because, if signed into law, this bill would be a backward step for equality in California.
We are disturbed by the hidden agenda of AB-1726 under the disguise of addressing the diverse needs of the Asian Americans. The stratified data to be collected by government agencies and state universities may easily be manipulated to advance race-based public policies that are unlawful under the State Constitution.
We are troubled by the divisive and unfair nature of AB-1726. There is no mention of sub-groups within Hispanic or White or African Americans, despite the fact that these ethnic groups are equally diverse as Asian Americans, if not more. Why single out Asian Americans only?
We are concerned about the unscientific approach of the bill as it confuses ethnicities with national origins. Furthermore, the citizenship of one’s ancestry -- and in many cases multiple citizenships within the family tree -- may not be a deciding factor of that person’s socioeconomic or educational status.
Please recognize the social danger and racial tension that legislation like AB-1726 will put California in. Please vote against AB-1726.
[Name of petitioner]
[organization name]
[contact info]
个人Email 样板信如下:
Dear [name of Assembly Member]:
I understand that Assembly Bill 1726 will be voted on in the Health Committee in the coming weeks. I urge that you vote against this historically regressive and degenerated bill because, if signed into law, this bill would be a backward step for equality in California.
I am disturbed by the hidden agenda of AB-1726 under the disguise of addressing the diverse needs of the Asian Americans. The stratified data to be collected by government agencies and state universities may easily be manipulated to advance race-based public policies that are unlawful under the State Constitution.
I am troubled by the divisive and unfair nature of AB-1726. There is no mention of sub-groups within Hispanic or White or African Americans, despite the fact that these ethnic groups are equally diverse as Asian Americans, if not more. Why single out Asian Americans only?
I am concerned about the unscientific approach of the bill as it confuses ethnicities with national origins. Furthermore, the citizenship of one’s ancestry -- and in many cases multiple citizenships within the family tree -- may not be a deciding factor of that person’s socioeconomic or educational status.
Please recognize the social danger and racial tension that legislation like AB-1726 will put California in. Please vote against AB-1726.
[Name of petitioner]
[contact info]
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