2004-01-24 01:16:00
20日下午3点,纽约80-20促进会拿到科尔形容姚明为“7'6"Chinaman”的确凿证据,4点15分,会员余景黎(Jing-Li Yu,音译)给TNT总裁肯特(Philip I. Kent)留言,告诉对方80-20主席吴仙标要求对方就这件事给他打电话。
一个半小时之后,TNT资深副主席邦科(Jeff Banky)和播音员科尔打电话到吴仙标办公室,说了很多道歉的话,他们请吴仙标向亚裔社区转达他们的歉意。吴仙标说,科尔很明显不知道"Chinaman"这个词含贬损之意,与"Frenchman"和"Englishman"不同。吴接受了道歉,条件是要科尔打电话向姚明道歉,并且在适当的场合公开指出使用贬损字眼形容少数族裔是不恰当的。科尔答应了。后来科尔写信给吴仙标,再次表示道歉,并表示他已向姚明道歉。
不久前,正在角逐民主党总统候选人提名的克拉克(General Wesley Clark)在一次广播采访中也无意地使用"Chinaman"这个词,当时他还用了"Frenchman"。接到吴仙标发去的邮件后,克拉克打电话到吴仙标家中道歉。吴仙标说,克拉克态度诚恳,而且敏感地对待少数族裔所关切问题,给他留下深刻印象。
一位陆军上校获悉此事后,给吴仙标发了个邮件,告诉他一张加州摩加弗沙漠(Mojave Desert)艾文堡(Fort Irwin)军事地图上将一个地形称为"Chinaman's Hat”(中国佬的帽子)。吴仙标要求陆军中一个叫Julia Wan的新委员会成员将地图上这个名字去掉。一个月前,陆军准将费尔(Joseph Fil, Jr.)通过电子邮件告诉Julia Wan,“制作地图的电脑数据库已经做了更改,不再有Chinaman's Hat这个名称”。韦伯斯特字典对于CHINAMAN的解释将之与N-gger(黑鬼)相提并论。并认为就象非洲裔认为N-gger是贬义的一样,华裔也认为Chinaman有贬义。
一个半小时之后,TNT资深副主席邦科(Jeff Banky)和播音员科尔打电话到吴仙标办公室,说了很多道歉的话,他们请吴仙标向亚裔社区转达他们的歉意。吴仙标说,科尔很明显不知道"Chinaman"这个词含贬损之意,与"Frenchman"和"Englishman"不同。吴接受了道歉,条件是要科尔打电话向姚明道歉,并且在适当的场合公开指出使用贬损字眼形容少数族裔是不恰当的。科尔答应了。后来科尔写信给吴仙标,再次表示道歉,并表示他已向姚明道歉。
不久前,正在角逐民主党总统候选人提名的克拉克(General Wesley Clark)在一次广播采访中也无意地使用"Chinaman"这个词,当时他还用了"Frenchman"。接到吴仙标发去的邮件后,克拉克打电话到吴仙标家中道歉。吴仙标说,克拉克态度诚恳,而且敏感地对待少数族裔所关切问题,给他留下深刻印象。
一位陆军上校获悉此事后,给吴仙标发了个邮件,告诉他一张加州摩加弗沙漠(Mojave Desert)艾文堡(Fort Irwin)军事地图上将一个地形称为"Chinaman's Hat”(中国佬的帽子)。吴仙标要求陆军中一个叫Julia Wan的新委员会成员将地图上这个名字去掉。一个月前,陆军准将费尔(Joseph Fil, Jr.)通过电子邮件告诉Julia Wan,“制作地图的电脑数据库已经做了更改,不再有Chinaman's Hat这个名称”。韦伯斯特字典对于CHINAMAN的解释将之与N-gger(黑鬼)相提并论。并认为就象非洲裔认为N-gger是贬义的一样,华裔也认为Chinaman有贬义。
Dear Mr. Woo,
First of all, let me apologize again for my mistake during
Monday night's telecast. I have felt horrible all day long today
knowing that I offended many people. I assure you I was
unaware that my choice of words was inappropriate, and in no
way did I use it malic iously. As I mentioned earlier, I was using
the term the same way I would use 'Frenchman' or 'Englishman',
and I was totally unaware that the word I used is a derogatory
one dating back to the 19th century.
I am ashamed of what happened, especially since I take great
pride in being extremely open minded and tolerant. I have
spent a good part of my life living in foreign countries and I
have respect for all cultures, races and religions. My sister in law
is Chinese American, and my brother in law is a respected
Chinese history scholar at Cambridge University in England.
One of my best friends, in fact, is also Chinese American. I called
them all today to explain what happened.
Anyway, I have already planned to apologize to Yao Ming, and
I will attempt to call him today. As you know he is a difficult
person to reach, but I will do my best to talk to him, or at least
to his interpreter Cxxxx Pxxx. I will let yo u know if I'm able to
contact Yao Ming. In the meantime, I wish you the best of luck
and I apologize again for this matter.
Also, thank you very much for not making this a public issue.
I realize that you have every right to do so, and the fact that
You have not is saving me great embarrassment. Thank you so
much for that. I will do my best to let people know that the
phrase I used is inappropriate because of the context in which it
was used in the past.
Steve Kerr"
First of all, let me apologize again for my mistake during
Monday night's telecast. I have felt horrible all day long today
knowing that I offended many people. I assure you I was
unaware that my choice of words was inappropriate, and in no
way did I use it malic iously. As I mentioned earlier, I was using
the term the same way I would use 'Frenchman' or 'Englishman',
and I was totally unaware that the word I used is a derogatory
one dating back to the 19th century.
I am ashamed of what happened, especially since I take great
pride in being extremely open minded and tolerant. I have
spent a good part of my life living in foreign countries and I
have respect for all cultures, races and religions. My sister in law
is Chinese American, and my brother in law is a respected
Chinese history scholar at Cambridge University in England.
One of my best friends, in fact, is also Chinese American. I called
them all today to explain what happened.
Anyway, I have already planned to apologize to Yao Ming, and
I will attempt to call him today. As you know he is a difficult
person to reach, but I will do my best to talk to him, or at least
to his interpreter Cxxxx Pxxx. I will let yo u know if I'm able to
contact Yao Ming. In the meantime, I wish you the best of luck
and I apologize again for this matter.
Also, thank you very much for not making this a public issue.
I realize that you have every right to do so, and the fact that
You have not is saving me great embarrassment. Thank you so
much for that. I will do my best to let people know that the
phrase I used is inappropriate because of the context in which it
was used in the past.
Steve Kerr"
在美国明确自己的立场是很关键的. 不过听说Chinese也有贬意(ese是小的词根吧). 我们到底该叫自己什么呢?
Kerr在公牛队的时候还挺招人喜欢的嘛, 讲话这么不注意. 其实是CNN的太8G.
Kerr在公牛队的时候还挺招人喜欢的嘛, 讲话这么不注意. 其实是CNN的太8G.
[此贴子已经被作者于1/24/2004 8:36:00 AM编辑过]
讨厌被歧视! 有时是无可奈何啊~
I like kerr, since he has appologized
let's move on.
let's move on.
should be Chinan?
以下是引用cerium在1/24/2004 7:53:47 AM的发言:
在美国明确自己的立场是很关键的. 不过听说Chinese也有贬意(ese是小的词根吧). 我们到底该叫自己什么呢?
Kerr在公牛队的时候还挺招人喜欢的嘛, 讲话这么不注意. 其实是CNN的太8G.
在美国明确自己的立场是很关键的. 不过听说Chinese也有贬意(ese是小的词根吧). 我们到底该叫自己什么呢?
Kerr在公牛队的时候还挺招人喜欢的嘛, 讲话这么不注意. 其实是CNN的太8G.
[此贴子已经被作者于1/24/2004 8:36:00 AM编辑过]
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