B(DS)M光谱中的支配与臣服之旅 (X-rate & 18+)不喜勿插
2021-01-27 12:28:11
主题宗旨:给读者 机会 从我们的实际生活分享中 得多了解 我先生与我 如何建立和经营着適用於我兩的 支配与臣服 的夫妻关系。
绑缚与调教(bondage & discipline,即B/D);
支配与臣服(dominance & submission,即D/S);
施虐与受虐(sadism & masochism,即S/M)。
而从BDSM团体裏的 资深人士们那裏道听回来的 都一致性的 表示:这些渠道往往存在各种扭曲和不完善。
“Power is of two kinds. One is obtained by the fear of punishment and the other by acts of love. Power based on love is a thousand times more effective and permanent than the one derived from fear of punishment.” ― Mahatma Gandhi
(kitten 是他用来专称我的。其他女人,他尽其情感关系也只用 sweetie 来称她们。)
- The Mark - Never remove Sir’s mark from your body. Always remember this mark is the symbol of our marriage and your submission to Sir.
- Title - Always use “Sir” or “Master” when in private.
- New Rituals - Review this Rituals page once a week.
- Skirt - Whether in public or in private with Sir, only wear skirts approved by Sir.
- Panties - When meeting with Sir you are to wear only approved panties beneath your skirt. Panthose, tights, shorts and slacks are forbidden. Thigh high stockings are acceptable. Sir enjoys direct access to your panties.
- Commitments - Never neglect your commitments to your marriage, your family, your work or yourself.
- Remember - Sir loves you very much.
- Stretching - Once a day perform your stretches for Sir. Sit on the floor, place your legs straight out in front of you and spread them as wide as you can without pain. Put one hand on top of the other and reach towards your right foot. Stretch forward, place your hands on your shin and hold for three seconds. Repeat for a total of five times on each foot. Each day work towards opening your legs a little more and reaching your hands further towards your feet. Be sure to stretch as far as you can. You should experience discomfort but not pain. Your goal is to improve your flexibility to better fulfill your role as Sir’s slut.
- Punishment - If you fail to perform any Ritual you will be punished. When this happens you must tell Sir what you did or did not do and ask him for punishment. Sir will determine and give the appropriate punishment. If you fail to perform a task given to you by Sir, you must tell Sir what you did or did not do and ask him for punishment. Sir will determine if a punishment is necessary or if discussion is more appropriate. If you fail to tell Sir that you failed in a Ritual or task and ask for punishment, Sir will administer extra punishment at his discretion.
- Journal - Write one or more blog entries each month on our blog.You must submit them by 8:00 pm on the last day of the month. Each entry must contain your thoughts, feelings and reactions to an aspect of our D/s relationship. You can only include factual recounts of our interactions if they are accompanied by your thoughts, feeling and reactions to that specific event. You must review and edit each entry twice before posting to ensure you are using your best writing and grammatical style.
- kitten’s Needs - Once a week ask Sir for something you want for kitten. Sir loves you and wants to fulfill your needs. Communication is important.
- Presentation - When in private with Sir for the first time each day, kneel in front of Sir. Spread your skirt around you so your bare legs are touching the ground. Look into Sir’s eyes and say, “It is my pleasure to serve you. Command me and I will do anything for you Sir.” Wait for Sir to acknowledges your statement. When he is ready for inspection, bend over Sir’s lap, facing to Sir’s left, raise your skirt and pull your panties down. Stretch your arms out above your head. Wait for Sir’s inspection.
All rituals below this are suspended until further notice
- Reminder - While in bed, find some quiet time and relax. Close your eyes and picture us together and feel my hands on you. Pinch your nipples and say “Yes Sir. Yes Sir. Yes Sir.” Perform this Ritual once a day, preferably in the morning while you are warm in your bed and relaxed. More details are here.
昨晚,我两临睡前,双双半坐半躺在床上,我上我的 【伊甸园】,他上他的sexy 故事网。他有开始自己打了。很快就打到床震的激烈度。
我想,这下去,我可能又像前一晚,被他床震得无法入睡了。干脆!把【伊甸园】盖起来,把睡裤脱了 ,把头靠在他的大腿近他阴茎的地方,不能再向上靠,因为他手在打,也不能在向中间靠,因为他的电脑在那裏。他这时把电脑移到侧边,我看不到他有没有继续阅读,我假设他继续阅读。我看到的是这时他开了一个空间给我的脸贴在他的睪丸上。我记得他告诉过我 我如此喜欢闻他的体味 很取悦他。我就一副亮晶晶的卖相靠在他的睪丸上。再过一会儿,我开始伸出我的舌头去舔他的睪丸,一撇一划地来回勾画。不知过了几分钟,他开始更上一层楼的性幸福,手加倍用力和快速的打。若以一来一回是一下的计算,他大概每秒钟打了四下。不知连续打了几分钟,我知道我的舌头瞄准了位置,继续不停地在那裏转动,终于听到他冲刺的呼喊:「噢!、、、Icumming....comming.....good girl.....」只要他的手还在打,我仍然继续用我的舌来给他打。
只要他睡得足,睡得好,明天他就有个很productive的工作天。他工作好,我也可以继续不用为生计而工作,继续时间自由。这是一个以Sir 為主,我為次 就可以得双赢的策略。
現在的疫情隔離生活,每天中、晚 两餐的时候,就各自捧这自己的饭碗,排排坐在电视机前的沙发上,一边吃一边看。晚饭吃完,还有时间继续看电视。
有时忽然两手过来很霸道的把我两大腿分开,翻起我的长裙,手掌直侵我的阴唇,眼在读我的脸,看我的反应。他喜欢看我因为他的「性侵犯」而嘴唇变得深红色,我呼吸节奏变得更快更深,感受我阴道把他手指沾得湿湿润润的,抽出来热气腾腾的望着我,在我眼前慢慢地放进嘴里品尝我阴道汁液的甘甜。「嗯、、、、、!So deliciouse!」
当他发现我突然阴户湿了好多的时侯,他会问我当时脑子裏想些甚么?他从我的回答中便得知我对甚么turn on,甚么turn off。
谢谢分享!我刚刚给我Sir 看了你的美图。他说颈圈非常nice。
我先生分批买了以下这三款雷同的S 颈圈给我带:
一 这个很方便放在手袋裏。有好幾次,我先生不記得吩咐我帶颈圈出場,我立時從手袋中取出這個來用。
三 这个适合在家性爱时带。
一来,我体能磨练出一种坚忍毅力。实例:麻醉剂未来得及 就已经生过B女,再熬过照顾一个与生俱来就有严重大脑麻痹症的女儿。
二来,用我意志补上。我先生对我和我家有恩,他的能力和付出的成绩 的确够我和我家用的。8年来一一兑现他承诺过给我的生活需要。给了我很大的动力去取悦他,服侍他。
三来,他叫我做这么多性爱事,是出于他有支配我的情感需要。每次他支配我,我以顺服来回饋的互动中,他对我的emotional bonding就建立得更坚固,更分不开。这是我用来留住他人和心的可行之计。
It just works for us. We take it as a sexy seduction mind game and we both enjoy in this kind of mind game.
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