【奥巴去广岛,称美国不能“repeat the evil”,为反法西斯的胜利道歉?】大选聊天帖
2015-11-15 01:44:28
哈哈,还真是的, Martin O'Malley根本抢不到话
LZ我给你贴个视频吧, 希拉里老太婆如果再放难民进来,过两年美国和法国差不多了还是归国的好。 看得难受死了。 而且那么多msl是真的说过那些话!!!!他们眼里女人连狗都不如。
[url=][/url] 关于欧洲怎样自取灭亡
cindyzz328 发表于 11/15/2015 1:36:41 AM [url=][/url]
[url=][/url] 关于欧洲怎样自取灭亡
cindyzz328 发表于 11/15/2015 1:36:41 AM [url=][/url]
好可怕,老巫婆说要增加难民到6.5万,简直无法想象有哪些会是人肉炸弹,简直是人间 zombieland
In the phrase “high crimes and misdemeanors,” misdemeanors does not just mean “minor crimes,” but also means bad behavior. Lying to the public and allowing four Americans to die, is impeachable, if the Congress deems it so. It depends on how embarrassing it may be to the Democrats and whether they think he can function as president. It also depends more on whether there is massive American public demand for impeachment.
Protests like this are needed all over the country to rally public support for impeachment and removal. Contacting Congress also helps, but what we really need are large public demonstrations to demonstrate public support and motivate Congress to act.
You can contact your senators and representative, but it is better to demonstrate your demand for impeachment in public. A town hall with a congressman is also a great place to demand that Obama be impeached and removed, as in the clip below of a town hall held by John McCain. Obama has clearly violated the Constitution and his oath of office in a number of ways.
PositiveVibe 发表于 11/18/2015 11:26:16 PM [url=][/url]强烈要求啊,!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
In the phrase “high crimes and misdemeanors,” misdemeanors does not just mean “minor crimes,” but also means bad behavior. Lying to the public and allowing four Americans to die, is impeachable, if the Congress deems it so. It depends on how embarrassing it may be to the Democrats and whether they think he can function as president. It also depends more on whether there is massive American public demand for impeachment.
Protests like this are needed all over the country to rally public support for impeachment and removal. Contacting Congress also helps, but what we really need are large public demonstrations to demonstrate public support and motivate Congress to act.
You can contact your senators and representative, but it is better to demonstrate your demand for impeachment in public. A town hall with a congressman is also a great place to demand that Obama be impeached and removed, as in the clip below of a town hall held by John McCain. Obama has clearly violated the Constitution and his oath of office in a number of ways.
PositiveVibe 发表于 11/18/2015 11:26:16 PM [url=][/url]强烈要求啊,!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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