奥巴马爱穆斯林 奥巴马生父继父都是穆斯林 奥巴马:我是在印尼长大的
2016-05-06 12:19:39
全球20%穆斯林,而且还会越来越多,不能和平相处就会对立,除非真的上核弹。矛盾进一步激化,就是下一个911。解决问题,大爱无疆感化瓦解和教育,做不到, doomed. 新疆总出问题,怎么办,还不是政策倾斜再倾斜,大棒加胡萝卜。共产党也对新疆人搞AA。对少数民族都AA。
黑人占美国人口也快20%了。大量黑人单身妈带一堆孩子,学校差,没饭吃,孩子不上学,有犯罪记录,找不到工作还不是只能打砸抢,政府得让这20%的人活下去吧,人家也是人民,解决办法就是发救济让黑人小孩读书,读不下去也要读,考不上大学也得上。奥巴马是政策倾斜。可AA 60年代就提出来执行了,干他什么事?他不能大笔一挥反掉, Trump也做不到。
claireliu 发表于 5/6/2016 1:46:09 PM [url=][/url]
嗯, 你不幼稚
Sanders’ Massive Criminal Fraud…
Sander’s wife Jane O’Meara Sanders, who may have committed loan fraud while serving as president of Burlington College. They allege that she illegally exaggerated the amount of money the college could raise so she could secure millions for a land deal!
According to a report published Monday morning by Heat Street, the allegations against Jane O’Meara Sanders were laid out in a letter sent by Brady Toensing, vice chair of the Vermont GOP, to the U.S. attorney in January. The claims stem from Sanders’ time as president of Burlington College between 2004 and 2011. Toward the end of her tenure, she secured loans for a $10 million purchase of 32 acres from the Roman Catholic diocese as part of a campus expansion, Heat Street reported.
But according to the report, Sanders at the time claimed the college had more than $2 million in fundraising commitments and pledges. People’s United Bank reportedly extended a $6.7 million tax-exempt loan with this understanding. The diocese reportedly underwrote a nearly $3.7 million loan as well, giving its debt repayment lower priority than the bank’s.
Yet, according to the report, the lofty fundraising pledges did not materialize as planned. According to one local report, the college raised just $279,000 in fiscal 2011. In the end, the diocese reportedly did not receive the full repayment of the loan, losing between $1.6 and $2 million, according to the investigation request.
Via [url=]Fox News[/url]
No wonder Bernie Sanders is really a millionaire with three homes. He and his his wife have a retirement nest egg worth [url=]$2 million[/url], which is why he’s been unwilling to release his tax returns. Not too bad for a guy who didn’t earn a paycheck until age 40, and spent his entire career in government. Wonder why he supports socialism?
This may be the first look that Sanders’ millions of internet fans will have at what their far-left candidate is really all about.
Read more: [url=][/url]
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