2016-05-07 22:01:32
其实trump本人的政策我不是最care的,而是有个神奇的现象,有些人会假抨击trump之名发表racially insensitive的言论
感觉不管喜欢还是不喜欢trump的,trump口无遮拦的做派让一些人内心的white supremacy抬头很多。其实内心强大的,根本不需要告诉自己,我是土著我最好。可是现在经济越来越紧缩,人内心的焦躁感满强的,trump等于是引导大家把racial differences作为一个发泄口了。这么做有点自欺欺人,倒退去古老的排华年代了
可是现在本来就down to earth(褒义)的美国就要走上越来越红脖的不归路了
CleverBeaver 发表于 5/7/2016 6:06:10 AM [url=][/url]
其实trump本人的政策我不是最care的,而是有个神奇的现象,有些人会假抨击trump之名发表racially insensitive的言论
感觉不管喜欢还是不喜欢trump的,trump口无遮拦的做派让一些人内心的white supremacy抬头很多。其实内心强大的,根本不需要告诉自己,我是土著我最好。可是现在经济越来越紧缩,人内心的焦躁感满强的,trump等于是引导大家把racial differences作为一个发泄口了。这么做有点自欺欺人,倒退去古老的排华年代了
可是现在本来就down to earth(褒义)的美国就要走上越来越红脖的不归路了
CleverBeaver 发表于 5/7/2016 6:06:10 AM [url=][/url]
很多地方, 比如中东, 欧洲类似布鲁塞尔之类的城市, 或者直接去非洲阿, 不用谢!
或者墨西哥也行, 近, 而且有墙不用担心他影响过来
Trump is way more dangerous for foreign policy than Clinton. We need Muslims in our side of we are going to possibly help reduce terrorism. Banning all Muslims, increasing torture and killing family members of terrorists is not the way to do that. I don't trust him not to personally insult leaders of other countries who we need on our side. Trump is a loose cannon and that's dangerous. There's a reason why most national security experts do not want him at all.
As for the Supreme Court, Hillary will nominate a qualified liberal. She's going to nominate similar people to who Obama nominated. She's not going to go down a list and make sure the person supports keeping money in politics and allowing as much spying as possible. She'll nominate a liberal who is qualified to do the job. Roe v Wade is probably the only really litmus test. Either way, her nominees will be much better than any Republican's for the things that I care about. These nominees will be on the Court way after either one of them is gone.
flin1508 发表于 5/7/2016 4:33:05 PM [url=][/url]
As for the Supreme Court, Hillary will nominate a qualified liberal. She's going to nominate similar people to who Obama nominated. She's not going to go down a list and make sure the person supports keeping money in politics and allowing as much spying as possible. She'll nominate a liberal who is qualified to do the job. Roe v Wade is probably the only really litmus test. Either way, her nominees will be much better than any Republican's for the things that I care about. These nominees will be on the Court way after either one of them is gone.
flin1508 发表于 5/7/2016 4:33:05 PM [url=][/url]
你需要穆斯林那你搬去中东吧, 好走不送! 又开一个马夹也不嫌麻烦
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