2016-06-26 00:50:50
回复 [url=]22楼不飞花的帖子[/url]
Well said.
I would add one more important point for why I will vote for Clinton. She will substantially increase taxes for the rich, while Donald will do quite the opposite. Under Clinton's plan, individually earring over 5 million will pay a tax surcharge, while Donald will have individual earning more than150,000 pay the same income tax rate as himself.
Well said.
I would add one more important point for why I will vote for Clinton. She will substantially increase taxes for the rich, while Donald will do quite the opposite. Under Clinton's plan, individually earring over 5 million will pay a tax surcharge, while Donald will have individual earning more than150,000 pay the same income tax rate as himself.
It is all in their tax proposals.
To me, Donald Trump's proposals are utterly irresponsible.
To me, Donald Trump's proposals are utterly irresponsible.
我现在交的federal 杂七杂八也差不多20-25% , 如果一切不变的话,在希拉里这边也没啥好处没啥坏处,至于富人逃税那是棒呆了, 最后等于0 。
Trump的 15万单身 30万家庭 25% ,对我这种收入的也影响不大
同等条件下, 政治正确实在是太恶心了, 还刚刚看了Washington post 关于5岁小女孩被mls男孩子强奸的洗地文,简直怒了
琪琪玩彩妆 发表于 6/26/2016 1:17:07 AM [url=][/url]
The rich evades taxes by capital gains. Currently short term capital gain is 20%, long term is 15%. Under clintons proposal, they will need to pay 4% more taxes, but under Trumps plan, they will basically pay ZERO tax. If you still think that Trump is more fair to middle class than Clinton, then there is no point to continue the discussion.
辩不过就no point to continue the discussion,呵呵。
luckyso 发表于 6/26/2016 1:40:be
辩不过就no point to continue the discussion,呵呵。
luckyso 发表于 6/26/2016 1:40:be
Because government spending does not come from no where. It got to be paid by someone. Now the tax burden substantially lay on middle class, because the rich is not paying their due share. Simply considers Warren Buffet is paying a much lower tax rate than his secretary (thanks to the low tax on long term capital gain). it boggles my mind that Trump is proposing ZERO tax on capital gain. What a shameless clown! I think I proved my point. If you do not agree, let's happily respect each other's opinion and move on. Have a good night.
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