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大家别被liberal “控枪派”忽悠了 ---给大家一个更全面的事实



2016-06-23 22:47:46

民主党议员刚刚结束撒泼打滚坐地炮表演,一把鼻涕一把泪的以受害者代言人的身份撤退回营,回家吸粉去了,大家不禁问,到底是怎么回事。 我在这里给科普一下到底是怎么回事

1. 奥兰多事件是一个标准的恐怖袭击,却被liberal 民主党给spin 成了禁枪控枪
而且这时候控枪是搞笑: 刺客已经潜入温家堡杀掉了49人, 现在开始收缴堡内菜刀。。。。。 -----是不是笑喷了?

2. 这周总共4个控枪法案被提出(两个民主党的,两个共和党的)都被对方毙掉了。
其中民主党共和党各有一个关于禁止上“watch list ”的人买枪的提案。 区别是, 民主党的提案要求建立一个secret list, 不给上名单人due process 去appeal; 而共和党的提案要求due process 给上名单的人申辩机会。这俩提案哪个好?结论显而易见。 但是都被对方毙掉了 --- 所以民主党不要装作无辜少女卖身葬父状,这不work

很多大妈觉着民主党的要求很合理,那是因为不合理的部分媒体就不告诉你。 想知道哪些不合理么? 佩洛熙名言[url=]: "We Have to Pass the Bill So That You Can Find Out What Is In[/url] [url=mailto:it!!!@R$$%$^%]it!!!@R$$%$^%[/url]&。。。。


[url=]Democrats Tanked Gun Control To Up Their Election Chances[/url] Apparently Democrats would rather have no gun sales ban than a sales ban that allows Americans due-process rights.
June 21, 2016 By [url=]Gabriel Malor[/url]

On Monday evening, Senate Democrats put party over principle in rejecting common-sense, reasonable gun control measures. After the mass murder at Orlando gay club Pulse, Sen. Chris Murphy and his colleagues staged a flashy talk-a-thon in which they demanded that votes be taken on legislation strengthening gun control laws. The Senate Republicans agreed to the Democrats’ demand. Democrats got what they asked for, then blew it.

Senate Republicans agreed to vote on four gun control proposals—two offered by Democrats and two offered by Republicans. The Democratic proposals included [url=]Sen. Dianne Feinstein’s bill[/url] linking a terrorism watch list to a gun sales ban. On the Republican side, Sen. John Cornyn also offered legislation that would link a terrorism watch list to a gun sales ban, but his version added due process protections for Americans who are put on the list. The other two proposals expanded the National Instant Criminal Background Check System, although the Republican version did not go as far as the Democratic version. For a brief moment it seemed as if the Senate would take some kind of action.

Then all four gun control proposals were voted down because of the Democrats.

Rather than agree to the incremental gun control measures Republicans proposed, the Democrats chose to pass no gun control legislation at all. At some point after loudly demanding legislation for more than a week, Senate Democrats decided it would be better for their reelection prospects that no gun control bills pass the Senate during the election season. Their decision was hypocritical, unprincipled, and pure politics.

Republicans were willing to link the terrorism watch list to a gun sales ban, as Democrats have demanded. The price of agreement was due-process protections for Americans placed on the list. But apparently due process is too much for the Democrats. They would rather have no sales ban than a sales ban that comports with the Fifth Amendment. The Democrats similarly rejected an incremental expansion of the National Instant Criminal Background Check System. Apparently, some gun control is not worth sharing credit with the Republicans.

Not content to merely vote against incremental gun control, Senate Democrats then decided to throw a tantrum about it. Murphy sleazed that Senate Republicans “have decided to sell weapons to ISIS.” Sen. Elizabeth Warren tweeted her agreement. Sen. Harry Reid nonsensically accused Republicans of blocking the very gun control measures Republicans had proposed.

Make no mistake: Senate Democrats rejected two incremental gun control bills for no other reason than that Republicans were voting for them. Democrats’ hatred for Republicans was more important to them than the moral standards they claim to possess.

[url=]Guns[/url][url=]6 Things To Know About Tying Gun Sales To A Watch List[/url] Democrats are pushing legislation to create a secret anti-gun list run by bureaucrats whose job has nothing to do with looking out for your interests.
By [url=]Gabriel Malor[/url]

By [url=]Gabriel Malor[/url] June 15, 2016






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Americans must resist calls from the Left and the Right to curtail individual freedoms in reaction to the atrocity at Orlando gay nightclub Pulse. Democratic Party candidate Hillary Clinton is urging us to “get back to the spirit of 9/12.” Democrats on Capitol Hill are reviving their defeated gun sales watch list, and [url=]they’ve got an enthusiastic ally in Republican Party candidate Donald Trump[/url].

Here’s what you need to know to stand up to this attack on our civil liberties.

1. Neither the no-fly list nor the terrorist watch list were meant to adjudicate individual rights.

The no-fly list and the terrorist watch list are tools to evaluate and monitor security threats at the investigative stage. They are not good vehicles for adjudicating individual rights, as they utterly lack the procedural safeguards Americans are owed from their government.

In due process terms, these lists and their administration lack notice, an opportunity to respond, and finality. The government is not obligated to inform you that you’ve been put on these lists and consequently stripped of some of your rights. Your ability to challenge your inclusion—should you even find out, of course—is also limited. Further, there are no rules in place to prevent a nameless and unknowable government bureaucrat from putting you back on either list even if you do successfully challenge them.

2. The Democrats are still falsely conflating the no-fly list with the terrorist watch list.

[url=]We’ve been over this before.[/url] The no-fly list is not the same thing as the terrorist watch list. The no-fly has roughly 40,000 names on it and many of them are not the names of U.S. citizens. By contrast, the terrorist watch list has more than a million names on it (we can’t know the actual number). The legislation [url=]Democrats are pushing[/url] relies on a definition similar, but not identical, to the one used to create the terrorist watch list on a rolling basis. It has nothing to do with the no-fly list. That won’t stop Democrats from conflating the two intentionally (as an aide to Sen. Diane Feinstein [url=]admitted she does[/url]), nor will it stop ignorant journalists from confusing them accidentally (as several have conceded to me they have).

3. The Democrat’s proposed gun sales ban list has all of the infirmities of the no-fly and terrorist watch lists.

The Democrats are pushing legislation to create a secret anti-gun list run by bureaucrats whose job has nothing to do with looking out for your interests. The government does not have to tell you that you’re on the list, even if you are denied authorization to purchase a firearm. The opportunity to challenge inclusion is sharply limited. You can be added to the list at the whim of hundreds of faceless bureaucrats without judicial oversight. And the legislation intentionally avoids finality.

In the name of national security, naturally, these same bureaucrats may add or remove you from the list as they please. This is an obvious violation of due process as protected by the Fifth Amendment, something [url=]even the compromised American Civil Liberties Union admits[/url].

4. Even if the Democrats’ proposed gun sales ban list had been made law, it would not have stopped the Orlando attack.

As frequently seems to be the case, political reaction to terrorism does not seem tailored to prevent terrorism. Pulse shooter Omar Mateen was placed on the terrorist watch list in 2013 and 2014. The FBI investigated him and, after determining that he did not have ties to terrorism, took him off the list. The terrorist watch list uses almost the same definition as the Democrats’ proposed gun sales ban list. So even if the Democrats’ proposed solution been enacted, it would not have stopped Mateen from purchasing the firearms that he used to kill at least 49 people and radically alter the lives of hundreds more.

5. Hillary Clinton’s ‘Spirit of 9/12’ is the specter of pervasive government surveillance.

It is true that in the shocked days after 9/11, the two major sides of American politics came together for a brief moment. But their response went too far. During this period of unity, Congress authorized an indefinite military action in Southwest Asia that almost 15 years later stretches across the Middle East and into Africa with no end in sight.

During this period of unity, Clinton and 97 other senators came together to pass the USA PATRIOT Act, which established a surveillance regime that took civil libertarians more than a decade to dismantle. In light of these previous terrorism overreactions, the burden is on the individuals demanding that we do something (anything!) to demonstrate that their proposals are reasonable and include responsible safeguards for constitutionally protected rights.

6. Democrats’ response to terrorism looks exactly like their last call for gun control.

It is no vice to want to respond forcefully to terrorist attacks. But in this case the response looks exactly like the Democrats’ last call for gun control. In the months since they last pushed this legislation, the Democrats have not granted even for a second that the due process concerns that defeated it last time are reasonable.

This strongly suggests that the Democrats do not have the due process rights of Americans in mind in this legislation. One can reasonably wonder why the Democrats’ response to terrorism seems to set its sights on something other than terrorism




2016-06-24 01:21:33



Dreamchaser 发表于 6/24/2016 12:58:03 AM [url=]



知道今年芝加哥一个城市,枪杀已经死了多少人么? 280!!! 枪伤1500!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 芝加哥南城闲逛的小天使们,问问他们通过控枪法案是不是能让他们老实点。。。

