2016-05-10 16:07:12
one of my uncles' wife had the onset right after she gave birth to my cousin, my cousin was raised by other family members and still holds grudge against her mom and that she needs to take care of her mom now even though her mom never raised her. My uncle passed away couple of years ago.
看下来觉得大家对精神病偏见好深啊…在美国,mental illness发病率其实很高,抑郁啥的更是非常常见。但只要积极寻求治疗,服药,大部分是不影响正常的工作生活的。我婆婆吃药效果就不错。然后我觉得人类是对这些疾病了解太少了,如果说是遗传,我婆婆家并没有家族史,所有的兄弟姐妹都正常,父母也正常,家里人没有的这个病的。但我婆婆年轻的时候受过很大的刺激,但当时并没有发病,反而是过了很多年才发病。我老公觉得是因为他离家上学,她妈妈不适应造成的。但我觉得这个比起当年的trigger event差远了………
Little_R 发表于 5/10/2016 9:16:
Little_R 发表于 5/10/2016 9:16:
听起来你婆婆更多的是外部因素造成的 发病的百分比比LZ说的情况低多了 你说国内医疗水平落后也好 偏见也好 严重的遗传性的精神病就像是定时炸弹 说不好什么时候就发病了 积极治疗吃药也有就不能正常生活工作的 比如我爸的弟妹,也就是我表姐的妈,据说生了我表姐在产床上发病了,具体的家里大人不说我知道不多,但是从小就听家里人说我表姐可伶 没有妈;我叔叔一直照顾着,前几年我叔叔去了,我表姐开始照顾,我表姐时不时也会流露出我被我妈害了 从小没有母爱现在还要反过来照顾她,不能出去玩,因为她妈离不开人。我表姐我说实话,不知道是先天还是后天的原因,也有点怪,刚开始工作的时候觉得不喜欢工作还闹过要出家。家里人也是费了很大劲才安抚好她,让她适应。LZ生不生 谁也阻止不了,但是一味的说没关系随便生,我觉得挺轻描淡写的。一般人的BF/GF要是有什么别的家族史还要考虑考虑呢 何况这是夫妻两个人都是high risk的。LZ和小孩都没问题还好 也就是照顾妈妈老公辛苦 万一LZ或者小孩有一个再有点什么 那日子怎么过 LZ想好了就行。
楼上的听起来更像是acute depression
By Mayo Clinic Staff
The exact cause of bipolar disorder is unknown, but several factors may be involved, such as:
Biological differences. People with bipolar disorder appear to have physical changes in their brains. The significance of these changes is still uncertain but may eventually help pinpoint causes.
Neurotransmitters. An imbalance in naturally occurring brain chemicals called neurotransmitters seems to play a significant role in bipolar disorder and other mood disorders.
Inherited traits. Bipolar disorder is more common in people who have a first-degree relative, such as a sibling or parent, with the condition. Researchers are trying to find genes that may be involved in causing bipolar disorder.
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