2016-06-21 00:28:06
Beginning in fall of 2017, all Washington state public schools will begin teaching kindergartners that gender is a "social construct" and there are "many ways to express gender" as part of its newly-approved "self-identity" curriculum.
One of the "core" areas in Washington state's new [url=]health education learning standards[/url] is sexual health, components of which will be introduced to children starting in kindergarten, including the idea of gender "self-identity" and the difference between "safe" and "unwanted touch.
The new standards require that kindergartners be taught to understand that "there are many ways to express gender." Gender, as The Daily Caller's [url=]Peter Hasson[/url] notes, is defined by the state's health education [url=]glossary[/url] as "a social construct based on emotional, behavioral, and cultural characteristics attached to a person’s assigned biological sex." Gender expression is defined by the state as "the way someone outwardly expresses their gender."
sunnypotato 发表于 6/22/2016 11:36:31 AM [url=][/url]
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