(干货都没了)从online dating说到bloody gorgeous Harvey!
2013-07-22 01:19:00
这是sherry MM的介绍:里面分析了3种在恋爱中表现出的attachment方式,大概意思就是如果你是一个needy的人,你要找的对象就是那种要给你full attention的人,有点一个萝卜一个坑的意思。然后不合适别死撑,也别期望改变对方,最好的方式就是move on。
我刚看了一半,里面说的是attachment有三种形式:anxious, secure 和 avoidant。anxious的总的来说容易患得患失比较没有安全感,secure的是比较理性,avoidant就是喜欢send mixed signal,当你想跟他亲密时他会有意无意疏离你,当你觉得万念俱灰时他又来撩拨一下。这里面有个比较意思的说法是,很多时候anxious和avoidant的容易凑到一起。一是因为avoidant的人比较不容易settle down,比如secure的一旦认定了自己喜欢的,很快就能维持一段稳定的relationship,所以在date的pool里avoidant的人出现概率更多。二是avoidant的人一般不太能avoidant的人在一起,因为两个都比较疏离的话。但是avoidant跟anxious的在一起,anxious的那种desperate会让avoidant的更加享受那种若即若离的感觉。
对于小麦这种气场强大的,你可以不在乎别人的看法。但是往往对于anxious型的,他们都很敏感,太过在乎外界对自己的评价,往往容易失去自我。当然我不是说这是个好习惯,我只是说这种是他们的天性,不可能说一下子就能改变过来。这个书的理论是不要feel ashamed that you are not independent and needy. 从另外一个方面来说,也是让自己更自信,接受自己的个性。
接下来书里给的建议跟小麦说的就很接近。In dating situations, your thinking will shift from "Does he or she like me?" to "Is this someone I should invest in emotionally? Is he or she capable of giving me what I need?"You'll start asking yourself questions like:"How much is this person capable of intimacy? Is he sending mixed messages or is he genuinely interested in being closed?"这个跟小麦总说的你有什么理由让我相信你是个good catch很相近。
另外还有一个说法,我觉得很好的是,它提到当anxious feel insecure的时候,如果partner能在第一时间给予支持,anxious的往往会安定下来,这样也会更好的投入正常的生活工作当中: The more effectively dependent people are on one another, the more independent and daring they become. 当一个人没有安全感的时候,他只会更加焦虑。但是一旦他感受到了支持,有了安全感,他反而能更加无畏地去迎接生活的挑战。
但是如果anxious碰到avoidant,一而再再而三地得不到支持的时候,anxious的会更加焦虑和insecure,自己的attachment system会激活。而anxious经常犯的错误就是equate an activated attachment system with passion. The trick is not to get hooked on the highs and lows and mistake an activated attachment system for passion or love. Don't let emotional unavailability turn you on.我觉得分析很适合在感情上有受虐倾向的人。
[此贴子已经被作者于2013/9/8 16:13:18编辑过]
后面也有提到要尽量扩大pool。As you know, once your attachment is activated,you begin to crave the other person's closeness and will do anytthing in your power to make it work even before you really get to know him/her and decide where you like that person or not!当你只跟他一个人交往的时候,你很有可能很早就失去判断他是不是适合自己的能力。当你手上有好几个candidate的时候,你会更加关注于评估,而不是obsess about anyone in particular. Why would you wast your time wit someone who is unkind to you when you have several other potential partners lined up who treat you like royalty?
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