【奥巴去广岛,称美国不能“repeat the evil”,为反法西斯的胜利道歉?】大选聊天帖
2016-03-05 06:38:08
I have committed to not endorse a specific individual, but rather “We the People.” Though many today are making decisions based on fear and anger, I trust their judgment to logically examine the candidates and make the right decision by looking at:
(1) Whether they have demonstrated significant accomplishments over their lives and careers.
(2) If they have ideas that are clear and policies that are easy to find.
(3) How they treat their family and others, as that is how they will lead the country.
(4) What they have done to improve the lives of Americans;
the people they are with, what they are saying and how they collaborate with others.
(5) Their ethics, because what America needs is “Trickle-down ethics.
Conservatives should not be embarrassed by capitalism, but must couple it with compassion, to lift people out of a culture of dependency and provide ladders of opportunity for all Americans to be a part of the fabric of society.
People need to understand this is a most important election, in which we are deciding whether we allow the government to dictate our rights and take care of our needs, or whether individuals will rise up and take responsibility in an atmosphere of opportunity for all.
The bottom line is, “We the People” are the ones making the decisions; but in order to do that, we must become active and informed, not manipulated by the political classes and media.
Along with millions of patriots who have supported my campaign for President, I remain committed to saving America for future generations. We must not depart from our goals to restore what God and our Founders intended for this exceptional nation.
Equally important, we need to understand that Republicans are not each others' enemies. We need to engage in conversation and challenge each others' positions, not fight each other. Conservatives need to unify together so that that we do not snatch defeat from the jaws of victory and put another secular progressive in the White House.
tutumomo 发表于 3/4/2016 10:30:37 PM [url=][/url]
tutumomo 发表于 3/4/2016 10:30:37 PM [url=][/url]
我觉得写的很明显了。有可能真的是受到威胁了。trump 如果不是这么有名又受到选民支持,早被他们玩完了。 还是选票最有力。
1)高院失控,美国就彻底玩了,这个国家的根本也完了。言论自由被PC 绑架,废除拥枪权,社会各方面的aa
3)trump要开始像刚才那个FB贴的人问大家why?让大家一起思考?why 这些权贵都拼了老命的反他?自己人也反,对方也反?这个事情怎么都说不通啊,唯一的解释就是其实后面都是一拨人! 把那个人的文章读出来,why??? 这个问题的答案是非常深刻的
4)trump要share普通老百姓的concern,多说点story,要share 普通人的story,drug的concern,社会安全的concern,fundemally question这个社会为什么会变成这个样?他怎么put american back
希望3/10 trump能够ready share他的vision,他要从personal attack 出来,share这些东西
katharinezl 发表于 3/6/2016 12:53:04 AM [url=][/url]
katharinezl 发表于 3/6/2016 12:53:04 AM [url=][/url]
re. positive mm 可以反映一下。
同学们,媒体上有没有比较正面介绍trump policy benefits middle-class的文章啊? 我随手一搜都搜不到 或者有什么视频比较清晰的说明trump policy,能让人思考是否对中产有益的 ? 媒体天天吵,想查点儿能说服其他voter的信息都好难。。。。
re. 最好附上视频链接或者条款链接放到首页。 用policy说话最有效。 毕竟所有的候选人都会说自己的policy多么好, 但是稍微细节一些的条款呢?比较呢? 我相信把事实摆出来会比较容易convert他人。 我身边支持sanders的人就是看重他对wall street开炮同时要削减军队开支,不管条款实用性怎么样,wall street的贪婪和manipulation和军队开支的惊人的确比较能让人觉得可行。 关于47% don't pay tax的说法我也提到过,但查了下发现是只指federal tax,事实上绝大部分人都逃不掉payroll tax。而的确poverty line之下的人也很多。数据上就算把偷福利的都算上,也无法与华尔街玩金融游戏和军方开支相提并论。
简而言之,支持一个候选人不是因为同意ta所说的一切,而是branding priority上他们认为最能解决问题的要从什么方面下手。 而所有这些媒体的争吵,都是在distract voters from the real solution。
这个有点早, 很多policy那个时候还没出来, 而且写的比较调侃facts laying out比较少,要用来劝说投票比较难。
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