2024-11-07 13:04:29
FL真的好保守,是宗教原因吗?是不是宣传工作没做好?我们AZ的Pro 超60%成功通过。
回复 105楼 的帖子
In Florida, filing an amendment to adjust state laws or the constitution on issues like abortion is possible, but it comes with a rigorous process due to specific petition and voting requirements. Here’s an overview of the steps and challenges:
1. Drafting and Approval Process
- Drafting: Proponents need to draft the amendment language carefully. Florida’s Supreme Court reviews proposed amendment language to ensure it adheres to the "single-subject rule" (limiting the amendment to one main issue) and is clear and unambiguous. Any ambiguity could lead the court to reject the amendment.
- Attorney General Review: The amendment must then be reviewed by Florida’s Attorney General, who can raise concerns before the Supreme Court review.
2. Gathering Signatures
- Signature Requirement: To get an amendment on the ballot, petitioners must collect signatures from registered voters equaling at least 8% of the votes cast in the last presidential election. For the 2024 ballot, this translates to over 891,000 signatures.
- Geographic Distribution: The signatures must also come from at least half of Florida’s congressional districts (14 out of 28 districts), ensuring statewide support.
3. Ballot Placement and Campaigning
- Verification: Each signature must be verified, which can be time-consuming and costly.
- Campaigning: Even if the amendment qualifies for the ballot, proponents face the hurdle of Florida’s 60% supermajority requirement for passage. This requires significant campaigning and funding to secure broad support, often costing millions of dollars.
4. Potential Opposition
- Opposition Campaigns: Well-funded opposition groups may challenge the amendment through public campaigns or legal challenges, adding another layer of difficulty.
This multi-step process makes it challenging to file and pass amendments in Florida, particularly on divisive issues like abortion, where broad consensus is hard to achieve.
不是欲擒故纵, 而是故意让它悬而不决 -- O8 拥有两院的时候压根没提这事, 怎么解释?
不要跟我说非要有绝对多数才能通过, 历史上跨党合作的例子不胜枚举, 不然怎么宪法有那么多个 amendments?
这次的7州胜利, 你就说高兴不高兴吧?
真没必要网上言辞太激烈。讲事实摆道理挺好。奥巴那时候高院没推翻法案,他手上一堆事。罗诉韦德案例本身应该是民主党推成的。民主党很多东西烂,但没必要什么东西都阴谋论。Pro life pro choice 争了几十年了。
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